Steve Kovarik

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  • in reply to: ANGPS-1MM antenna #33577
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Jim

    The ANGPS-1MM is a Trimble GPS antenna part number 66800-52.
    I can’t attach the specifications here, but with the part number the specifications are easily found.
    It is an active (3 VDC) GPS antenna.

    -Best Regards

    in reply to: Getting Lora Data to Azure IOT Hub #33574
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Terrence

    Extend the Gateway timeout in “Administration”, “Access Configuration”.

    -Best Regards

    in reply to: Getting Lora Data to Azure IOT Hub #33569
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Terrence
    If looking to add a “LoRa end-node” or sensor to the Gateway whitelist for OTA Join to the Conduit configured as a LoRa Network Server then in the GUI go to ‘LoRaWAN’, ‘Key Management’ and select “add new”.
    From the ‘LoRa end-node’ or sensor you will need the DevEUI, AppKEY and AppEUI.
    If an AppEUI is not provided with the sensor “LoRa end-node” you can make one up.
    For example 8877665544332211
    You will also need to try and configure the end-node FSB to match the configured FSB on the Gateway.

    in reply to: Getting Lora Data to Azure IOT Hub #33566
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Terrence

    In the GUI under LoRaWAN there is a “Packets” tab that will display successful ‘joins’ and received uplink packets. You can also enable SSH then SSH into the Gateway and subscribe to the local broker to see valid received uplink packets with the command mosquitto_sub -t lora/+/up

    in reply to: AEP v 1.1.2 #33555
    Steve Kovarik

    You would need to open a support ticket.
    The support portal allows large file attachments for that reason.

    in reply to: AEP v 1.1.2 #33550
    Steve Kovarik

    We would want to see a log file from the Gateway to help understand why.
    It would be more appropriate to open a support ticket at the link below.

    in reply to: AEP v 1.1.2 #33542
    Steve Kovarik

    You can find the needed firmware files at the link below.


    For 5.0.0 use

    Once you successfully upgrade to mPower 5.0.0 log in and go to “Administration”, “Firmware Upgrade”

    Enable “signed firmware validation” select “Submit” then “Save and Apply”
    Any subsequent mPower firmware versions after 5.0.0 are all “signed”.

    in reply to: AEP v 1.1.2 #33539
    Steve Kovarik

    Can you provide the serial number of the Gateway?

    in reply to: MTCDT-LEU1-247A Firmware 6.3.0 network issues #33485
    Steve Kovarik

    And what are the results if you try and ping an IP address like

    in reply to: REST API for DeviceHQ #33245
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello SaSa

    To answer your question, pairing and unpairing LoRa end-nodes is not a supported function in DeviceHQ or the DeviceHQ API.

    -Best Regards

    in reply to: help for reset Conduit MTCDTIP-266A #33236
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Clilao

    Have you tried rebooting the Conduit and then accessing it?
    Are you able to successfully ping its IP Address.

    Generally if you are unable to log into the device the only recourse is to factory default it.

    in reply to: Add a new Gateway to my devicehq account #33235
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello SaSa

    The Gateway will need a path to the Internet and be able to resolve a hostname to successfully check-in to DeviceHQ.
    You can verify successful Internet connectivity on the Gateway by going to “Administration” “Debug Options” and use the ‘Ping’ feature to ping a hostname

    in reply to: which multitech conduite ? #33223
    Steve Kovarik

    For agricultural applications longest range is achieved by line-of-sight utilizing an outdoor IP67 rated gateway.
    If an indoor gateway must be used, different construction materials of the building can induce obstructive signal loss. Positioning of the gateway within a building will affect its performance.
    The gateway should generally be positioned as high as possible unless you plan to cable the LoRa antenna outside on top of the building or away from the gateway for better reception.
    I would recommend an industrial grade gateway (MTCDT line). Most all of our gateways can run Node-Red, however for a gateway that can run the latest up to date version of Node-Red you would need to look at the Conduit 300.

    in reply to: Alternative to MultiConnect OCG #32810
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Alvaro

    The MTCDP-H5-GP has evolved into the Conduit MTCDT products.
    You would need to look at our current MTCDT IoT Development Platform to develop the same functionality into the newer platform.

    Creating a Custom Application

    -Best Regards

    in reply to: Conduit mPower: LoRa Communication and Node-RED #32793
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Nicolas

    Thank you for reaching out.
    Look for a direct email from me and we can arrange a discussion.

    -Best Regards

    in reply to: MTCDTIP-L4E1-279L-868 (GW1) unable to factory reset #32764
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Sebastian

    I suggest to open a support ticket to further analyze and troubleshoot.

    -Best Regards

    Steve Kovarik

    Strange that you have a login issue with these new Gateways.
    The Gateway as a DHCP Server out of the box, it should be as easy as browsing to
    Alternatively configuring your NIC to be on the same subnet works equally as well.
    When ready, you may create a support ticket to have MultiTech further analyze.

    -Best Regards

    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Sebastian

    Based on LED and device behavior I also doubt that the POE Injector is the cause for the no Ping response.
    Since the behavior of this device is not consistent with other working units, sounds like a Support Ticket should be created to have this Gateway looked at.

    -Best Regards

    Steve Kovarik


    Just a note….for most all of our POE powered Conduit Gateways a 30 Watt POE Injector is recommended.

    However you do have the V2.1 Geolocation model that consumes more power than any of our other Gateways.
    For the V2.1 model MTCDT-L4E1-270L-868 a 75 Watt POE Injector is recommended.
    I notice that the PD-9501GC/AC is rated at 60 Watts.

    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Sebastian

    Can you provide the make/model of the POE Injector you are using to power the MTCDTIP-L4E1-270-868 Gateway.

    in reply to: MTCDTIP-L4E1-279L-868 (GW1) unable to factory reset #32697
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Sebastian

    Thank you for the device serial number. This allows me to identify the firmware version the device shipped from the factory with.
    The process & credentials to log in to the device depends on the firmware version running on the device.

    mLinux firmware version 3.x and lower use (username) root (password) root.
    mLinux firmware version 4.0.0 to 5.2 use (username) mtadm (password) root.
    mLinux firmware version 5.2.1 or higher have no default username/password and you
    would use a browser to browse to to commission the device
    with a username and password.

    SN#20695007 you provided shipped from MultiTech with mLinux version 5.1.8
    If the device is still running firmware 5.1.8 then (username) mtadm (password) root.

    If it is possible the mLinux firmware was updated then try accessing the device with web browser and see if the ‘commissioning’ page comes up.

    in reply to: MTCDTIP-L4E1-279L-868 (GW1) unable to factory reset #32692
    Steve Kovarik


    Can you please provide the serial number of this Gateway.

    -Thank you.

    in reply to: I can't reach after reset #32660
    Steve Kovarik


    Probably best to open a ticket in our support portal at the link below for ongoing support.

    We will want the device serial number and to understand the device history.
    Your procedure is correct for defaulting and accessing the MTCDTIP device.

    -Best Regards

    in reply to: Shortest route to gateway with integrated nws and NodeRed #32657
    Steve Kovarik

    When you log into the Gateway select the “Apps” tab.

    To install a new Custom app, click Add Custom App:
    1. In the App ID field, enter Application ID.
    2. In the App Name field, enter Application Name.
    3. Click Browse, go to the location of the custom app, and select the file.
    4. To install the app, click Install Custom App.

    You can use whatever you want for “Application ID” and “Application Name”.
    When you click “Install Custom App” please wait and give the Gateway 15 minutes to install the Node-Red Custom Application.

    Once installed, the Node-Red Custom Application will always start on boot-up.

    in reply to: Shortest route to gateway with integrated nws and NodeRed #32655
    Steve Kovarik

    I would recommend model MTCAP-868-041A with an external LoRa antenna.
    Yes, the LoRa Network Server (LNS) is pre-loaded on the device.
    Node-Red can be downloaded from the link below. However the Gateway
    hardware limits the Node-Red version to 0.15
    MultiTech is depreciating Node-Red from most of our Gateway product line in favor of a Python application that accomplishes the same.

    in reply to: Shortest route to gateway with integrated nws and NodeRed #32653
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Rolf

    We have many Gateways that meet your requirements.
    Different model options vary due to the region they would be used in, North America, Europe or other.
    Aside from Ethernet, there are model options with cellular & Wi-Fi backhaul.
    Node-Red can be provided and loaded as a custom application on the Gateway.
    There are also indoor consumer rated, industrial rated or outdoor IP67 models to choose from.
    Below is a link to a lower cost, indoor consumer rated North American model with cellular.

    in reply to: Not receiving "up" packet on MQTT #32565
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Jostein

    I would recommend configuring the Network Server for “Public LoRaWAN” to be compatible with any other 3rd party LoRaWAN end-devices.
    That will allow the Gateway to receive uplink packets using the default sync-word.

    Private LoRaWAN uses a non-standard “sync-word” that would filter uplink packets using the default sync-word.

    Introduction to LoRa

    in reply to: Not receiving "up" packet on MQTT #32563
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Jostein

    Is the “Network server” configured for “Public LoRaWAN”?
    Which regional “Channel Plan” is the “Network Server” and ELT-2 configured for.
    How do you know the ELT-2 has sent an uplink packet?
    What is the ELT-2 ‘data upload interval’ configured for?

    LoRaWAN Troubleshooting guide.

    in reply to: Not receiving "up" packet on MQTT #32561
    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Jostein

    I believe that the ‘up’ packet is decrypted but in a Base64 format.
    Try converting the payload from Base64 format using a Base64 converter like one at the following link.

    in reply to: Can't connect the device #32553
    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Alex

    Yes please. A MultiTech model number and serial number will help identify the device. It would also be helpful to identify the camera device you are trying to use with the Multitech device.

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