Conduit mPower: LoRa Communication and Node-RED

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Conduit mPower: LoRa Communication and Node-RED

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  • #32792

    Hello support team,

    We are working from several years with Multitech Conduit AEP Gateway: MTCDT-246A.
    We are today running on version 5.3.5 and we saw that Support for Node-RED will stop on mPower 6.0. This is why today we are trying to replace our Node Red App, we saw today two solutions:

    1. Use the LoraWan feature Default App in the UI (under Network Settings). We would like to have some support with you to discuss this point on what is possible with this feature today.

    2. Node Red to Python: We saw the article We are starting the conversion and it could be nice to discuss it with you also.

    Thanks for your help in advanced.

    Best regards,

    Nicolas Jacquiot
    Volvo Group –

    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Nicolas

    Thank you for reaching out.
    Look for a direct email from me and we can arrange a discussion.

    -Best Regards

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