laurent brunet

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  • in reply to: Failed CRC check in OTAA #18003
    laurent brunet

    If you’re using LoRaMac-node :

    mibReq.Type = MIB_CHANNELS_MASK;
    mibReq.Param.ChannelsMask = multitechGatewayChannelsMask;
    LoRaMacMibSetRequestConfirm( &mibReq );

    Just set your channel mask to whatever you want this way.

    in reply to: Failed CRC check in OTAA #17592
    laurent brunet

    It was caused by bad channel mask on my device side so no need to answer!


    laurent brunet


    I ran in the same problem a little bit ago. Try to save and restart the gateway using the UI.

    If you just power off the gateway and power it back on it doesn’t save the settings.

    Mind you, there might be a way to just save the settings without having to save and restart but hope that helps for now.


    in reply to: Gateway not transmitting join confirm after OTAA #17254
    laurent brunet

    Lora_network screenshot

    There you go, thanks for helping me look into this!

    in reply to: Gateway not transmitting join confirm after OTAA #17247
    laurent brunet

    I will check into that, but my problem seems to come even before that.

    Using a spectrum analyzer, I cannot even see the transmission from the gateway and I do when I do the join procedure with the mDot.

    We already changed the channel mask to make sure our device transmits only on the correct sub-band so that shouldn’t be an issue.



    in reply to: Gateway not transmitting join confirm after OTAA #17242
    laurent brunet

    System info says i have version 1.3.2 under firmware information.

    We just received it and I set it up this morning.


    laurent brunet

    I just figured out we have a fairly strange behavior coming from the devices and I was hoping you could confirm what we think is happening right now.

    When we run tests to see what kind of RSSI we are getting and to see the range we can achieve in our conditions, we realized that we go from receiving every single packet to receiving none in a matter of maybe 20 seconds. We send packets every 5 seconds +/- 1s. This also happens while our RSSI are still very much under the limit we would be expecting. For example, our last received packets today were around -95 on a clear day.

    What we think might be happening is the path we’re taking to do our tests goes down in elevation slightly but possibly enough to make the direct line of sight to be blocked completely by the ground. Could that explain what we are getting? I feel like this behavior is really abnormal and those numbers are also pretty strange.

    Thanks for your input!


    laurent brunet

    Good, thanks a lot for the info. I’ll try to get some tests going with comparable conditions and see what kind of difference I’m getting. We were worried it was a different way of calculating the RSSI between both applications but it might just be that the conditions were different.


    laurent brunet

    Thanks for the answer Peter, I have a few follow up questions.

    We have an indoor gateway, I know there is an outdoor version too but I’m not sure if it’s just a difference in the casing for it. Is there an outdoor gateway with a better sensitivity than the indoor one we currently have?

    Secondly, I don’t know if you’ll be able to answer this but let’s try anyway. We ran some test using lora communication between two devices and had rssi readings going up to -130 before cutting off, is there any reason the readings we’re getting for lorawan using a gateway are much bigger?



    in reply to: Debug failed join request on gateway #16674
    laurent brunet

    For some reason, every now and then my added nodes disappear from my gateway. Anything that might cause this?


    in reply to: Debug failed join request on gateway #16662
    laurent brunet

    That’s good to know, thanks for the help!

    in reply to: Debug failed join request on gateway #16646
    laurent brunet

    I don’t know if it did. I removed the node from the gateway and re-added it and it now works so it might be exactly why.

    On the off chance that it wasn’t. Is there any lease time or something like that, that might trigger this mic check fail after I added the node to the gateway?


    in reply to: Debug failed join request on gateway #16643
    laurent brunet

    Yep that was the case! Step by step getting closer thanks to your help! So big thank you to you both.

    It seems like my packet is received by the gateway. They do not make their way to my node-red flow though. I can see the packet information in my debug window but it seems to fail after reporting Mic check : fail.

    Any idea?

    Here’s the full log : Log

    in reply to: Debug failed join request on gateway #16641
    laurent brunet

    I’m using tail -f /var/log/lora-network-server.log to monitor what’s happening on the gateway.

    When I transmit with my device I have the information saying the Rx frequency, rssi and snr.

    Then I have a warning saying MessageRejectException : Message received from unknown node.

    Got any idea what I should be looking at from there to see why it’s rejected?

    in reply to: Debug failed join request on gateway #16639
    laurent brunet

    My gateway is already checked for Public network. I’ll just look at the lora-network-server.log to see what the gateway is receiving and maybe I’ll be able to go from there.

    in reply to: Node red to MQTT broker #16541
    laurent brunet


    This was exactly the little bit of information that I was missing. I managed to connect through the address found with ifconfig, start node-red and wait for it to be fully loaded. The whole design works perfectly fine, thanks again!


    in reply to: Node red to MQTT broker #16539
    laurent brunet

    Thank you for the quick answer Jeff.

    So if I go into setup-> network interfaces -> configure eth0 to DHCP client and then reset my gateway and connect it to my network with the ethernet port, it will now have internet access?

    I have 2 more questions from there.

    Is the node-red flow that was on the gateway prior to the reset going to be running right away after the reset?

    Is it still possible to access the web UI after this change?

    Thanks again, I’m excited to get this working!

    in reply to: No MQTT connection in Node-Red #16502
    laurent brunet

    Edit: answered my own question.

    in reply to: LoRaWan and MQTT #16499
    laurent brunet

    Hello Patrick,

    I hope you managed to figure out your issue! If you don’t mind I would like to ask you a question too, since we are aiming to do the same thing currently.

    I also managed to connect my end-device to the gateway and my next step is to test an output to an MQTT broker.

    What steps did you take ( or what information did you follow) to set up the gateway to be able to communicate to the MQTT broker? I only tested the gateway in the default form of a static IP lan, and it obviously doesn’t have a way to connect to a broker yet.


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