James Coleman

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  • James Coleman

    We are still having issues Joining The Conduit. I just opened a CASE on the Multitech Support Site and provided the latest log information on that site.



    James Coleman


    We will verify our settings and make this revision.



    James Coleman


    Sorry I did not send you the entire log file in the previous post.
    Here is the entire log file. Hopefully this helps. I will also open up a support case and put this information in the support case.

    LoRaWan Demo Application TJM
    chnl56 923100000 (125khz)
    njs blk7, dr4, txChnl71 chnl71 914200000 (500k)
    njs blk0, dr0, txChnl1 chnl1 912100000 (125khz)
    njs blk0, dr4, txChnl64 chnl64 903000000 (500k)
    njs blk1, dr0, txChnl9 chnl9 913700000 (125khz)
    njs blk1, dr4, txChnl65 chnl65 904600000 (500k)
    njs blk2, dr0, txChnl17 chnl17 915300000 (125khz)
    njs blk2, dr4, txChnl66 chnl66 906200000 (500k)
    njs blk3, dr0, txChnl25 chnl25 916900000 (125khz)
    njs blk3, dr4, txChnl67 chnl67 907800000 (500k)
    njs blk4, dr0, txChnl33 chnl33 918500000 (125khz)
    njs blk4, dr4, txChnl68 chnl68 909400000 (500k)
    njs blk5, dr0, txChnl41 chnl41 920100000 (125khz)
    njs blk5, dr4, txChnl69 chnl69 911000000 (500k)
    njs blk6, dr0, txChnl49 chnl49 921700000 (125khz)
    njs blk6, dr4, txChnl70 chnl70 912600000 (500k) <– triggers join message


    root@mtcdt:/var/config/lora# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart
    Stopping lora-network-server: OK
    Found lora card MTAC-LORA-915
    Starting lora-network-server: OK
    root@mtcdt:/var/config/lora# tail -f /var/log/lora-network-server.log
    21:11:2:309|TRACE| Start Command Receive thread
    21:11:2:309|TRACE| Start Time thread
    21:11:2:311|TRACE| Start Db Backup thread
    21:11:2:311|TRACE| Start Mqtt thread
    21:11:2:312|TRACE| Start Beacon thread
    21:11:2:313|TRACE| Start appData thread
    21:11:2:313|TRACE| Start GatewayDownstreamReceive thread
    21:11:2:314|TRACE| Start GatewayReceive thread
    21:11:2:315|DEBUG| AppData thread started
    21:11:2:316|INFO| Beacon is disabled
    21:11:7:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:7:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:19:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:19:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:32:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:32:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:44:350|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:44:351|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:56:550|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:56:551|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:8:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:8:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:20:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:20:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:33:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:33:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:34:646|TRACE| Parse upstream message 362 bytes
    21:12:34:646|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:12:34:648|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:12:34:648|WARNING| Recv’d frame failed CRC check
    21:12:45:350|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:45:351|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:54:592|TRACE| Parse upstream message 371 bytes
    21:12:54:592|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:12:54:593|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:12:54:594|WARNING| Recv’d frame failed CRC check
    21:12:57:550|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:57:551|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:9:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:9:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:21:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:21:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:34:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:34:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:46:350|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:46:351|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:58:550|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:58:551|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:10:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:10:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:22:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:22:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:35:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:35:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:38:966|TRACE| Parse upstream message 242 bytes
    21:14:38:967|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:14:38:968|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:14:38:969|DEBUG| Received packet
    000 00 77 66 55 44 33 22 11
    008 00 02 00 00 00 00 ee ff
    010 c0 ba 5a fe 37 d2 6d

    21:14:38:969|DEBUG| Rx on 912600000, rssi: -93 snr: 80
    21:14:38:970|DEBUG| Received frame: type: Join Request
    21:14:38:970|INFO| Received join request
    21:14:38:971|DEBUG| BUFFER: 0077665544332211000200000000eeffc0ba5a
    21:14:38:971|DEBUG| App EUI:
    21:14:38:971|DEBUG| Dev EUI: c0.ff.ee.
    21:14:38:971|DEBUG| Nonce: 00005aba
    21:14:38:972|DEBUG| MIC is valid
    21:14:38:973|DEBUG| Got appkey:
    21:14:38:973|DEBUG| DEV NONCE: 5aba
    21:14:38:973|DEBUG| APP NONCE: 512fc4
    21:14:38:974|DEBUG| session keys: d08c57d23d8ed493fb2747c614970cca 62b2ce77400590345cbce23202a1139c
    21:14:38:974|TRACE| SQL query = SELECT address FROM nodes WHERE deveui = “c0ffee0000000002”
    21:14:38:976|INFO| Device found in DB, assigning address: 1
    21:14:38:976|DEBUG| Update session keys
    21:14:38:976|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET authenticationkey = “d08c57d23d8ed493fb2747c614970cca”, encryptionkey = “62b2ce77400590345cbce23202a1139c” WHERE address = “00000001”
    21:14:38:980|DEBUG| Set node active: 1
    21:14:38:980|INFO| Queue join response 17 bytes
    21:14:38:981|DEBUG| Set node active: 1
    21:14:38:981|DEBUG| update bestGateway
    21:14:38:981|DEBUG| Time: 215166376
    21:14:38:981|DEBUG| App Queue Length: 1
    21:14:38:982|DEBUG| Rx Frame seq 4386 snr 80
    21:14:38:982|DEBUG| SpreadingFactorStore::Add
    21:14:38:982|DEBUG| FindSF : snr : 80 100 -20
    21:14:38:983|DEBUG| ReceiveOption : 00
    21:14:38:984|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET jointime = “2016-02-23T21:14:38Z” WHERE address = “00000001”
    21:14:38:987|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE packets SET port = 0, seqno = 0, gateway = “0080000000009bcb”, time = “2016-02-23T21:14:38Z”, microseconds = 965865000, rssi = -93, channel = 8, lsnr_cB = 80, spread = 8, modulationbandwidth = 500, data = “0000eeffc0ba5a” WHERE node = “00000001”
    21:14:38:991|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET lastuppacketid = 1, lastmessagems = 14279662 WHERE address = “00000001”
    21:14:38:993|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE gateways SET lastuppacketid = 1 WHERE address = “0080000000009bcb”
    21:14:38:996|DEBUG| getTimeOnAirMs dr: 8 bw: 2 pl: 8 sz: 16 toa: 23
    21:14:38:997|INFO| Send Join Accept – EUI: c0:ff:ee:00:00:00:00:02 ADDR: 00000001
    21:14:38:997|INFO| Schedule TX Time on air: 150 ms
    21:14:39:3|DEBUG| Send MQTT message
    21:14:39:3|DEBUG| UDP message: lora/c0:ff:ee:00:00:00:00:02/joined
    21:14:39:4|DEBUG| UDP port: 1786
    21:14:39:6|TRACE| Published message: 2
    21:14:43:836|DEBUG| is frame ready?
    21:14:43:836|DEBUG| App Queue Length: 1
    21:14:43:836|DEBUG| BestGateway: 80000000009bcb
    21:14:43:837|DEBUG| Start
    21:14:43:837|INFO| Frame transmitted to 00:00:00:01 via GW (00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb Chan ERR Seq# 3b
    21:14:43:838|TRACE| SQL query = UPDATE nodes SET lastdownmsgseqno = 59 WHERE address = “00000001”
    21:14:43:841|DEBUG| App Data Queue: 1 front size: 17 available: 242
    21:14:43:842|DEBUG| check if front is join request 17 bytes
    21:14:43:842|DEBUG| Start
    21:14:43:842|TRACE| App Data Queue – Join Popped
    21:14:43:843|DEBUG| Transmitted Frame data
    000 20 ec 72 f0 bb 82 16 ba
    008 85 ff f8 cb cc 2f 73 6b
    010 2c

    21:14:43:843|DEBUG| rx1Offset: 0 rx1Datarate: 7
    21:14:43:844|DEBUG| Use JoinResponse Window Time
    21:14:43:845|DEBUG| JSON tx: {
    “txpk” : {
    “codr” : “4/6”,
    “data” : “IOxy8LuCFrqF//jLzC9zayw”,
    “datr” : “SF7BW500”,
    “freq” : 925.10000000000002,
    “ipol” : true,
    “modu” : “LORA”,
    “ncrc” : false,
    “powe” : 14,
    “rfch” : 0,
    “size” : 17,
    “tmst” : 220166376

    21:14:43:847|INFO| Transmit message 186 bytes
    21:14:43:847|DEBUG| Send on socket 190 bytes, payload len: 186
    21:14:43:850|DEBUG| Set node active: 0
    21:14:47:260|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:47:261|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:57:372|TRACE| Parse upstream message 539 bytes
    21:14:57:373|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:14:57:374|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:14:57:375|WARNING| Recv’d frame failed CRC check
    21:14:59:460|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:59:461|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:15:11:660|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:15:11:661|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:15:23:860|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:15:23:861|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address

    James Coleman


    Have not tried this. But we will. I will also open a support case.



    James Coleman


    Information below on what we see with the revised log settings on our platform and on Conduit. Hopefully this provides additional information on what is going on.



    LoRaWan Demo Application TJM
    chnl56 923100000 (125khz)
    njs blk7, dr4, txChnl71 chnl71 914200000 (500k)
    njs blk0, dr0, txChnl1 chnl1 912100000 (125khz)
    njs blk0, dr4, txChnl64 chnl64 903000000 (500k)
    njs blk1, dr0, txChnl9 chnl9 913700000 (125khz)
    njs blk1, dr4, txChnl65 chnl65 904600000 (500k)
    njs blk2, dr0, txChnl17 chnl17 915300000 (125khz)
    njs blk2, dr4, txChnl66 chnl66 906200000 (500k)
    njs blk3, dr0, txChnl25 chnl25 916900000 (125khz)
    njs blk3, dr4, txChnl67 chnl67 907800000 (500k)
    njs blk4, dr0, txChnl33 chnl33 918500000 (125khz)
    njs blk4, dr4, txChnl68 chnl68 909400000 (500k)
    njs blk5, dr0, txChnl41 chnl41 920100000 (125khz)
    njs blk5, dr4, txChnl69 chnl69 911000000 (500k)
    njs blk6, dr0, txChnl49 chnl49 921700000 (125khz)
    njs blk6, dr4, txChnl70 chnl70 912600000 (500k) <– triggers join message


    root@mtcdt:/var/config/lora# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart
    Stopping lora-network-server: OK
    Found lora card MTAC-LORA-915
    Starting lora-network-server: OK
    root@mtcdt:/var/config/lora# tail -f /var/log/lora-network-server.log
    21:11:2:309|TRACE| Start Command Receive thread
    21:11:2:309|TRACE| Start Time thread
    21:11:2:311|TRACE| Start Db Backup thread
    21:11:2:311|TRACE| Start Mqtt thread
    21:11:2:312|TRACE| Start Beacon thread
    21:11:2:313|TRACE| Start appData thread
    21:11:2:313|TRACE| Start GatewayDownstreamReceive thread
    21:11:2:314|TRACE| Start GatewayReceive thread
    21:11:2:315|DEBUG| AppData thread started
    21:11:2:316|INFO| Beacon is disabled
    21:11:7:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:7:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:19:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:19:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:32:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:32:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:44:350|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:44:351|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:11:56:550|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:11:56:551|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:8:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:8:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:20:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:20:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:33:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:33:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:34:646|TRACE| Parse upstream message 362 bytes
    21:12:34:646|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:12:34:648|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:12:34:648|WARNING| Recv’d frame failed CRC check
    21:12:45:350|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:45:351|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:12:54:592|TRACE| Parse upstream message 371 bytes
    21:12:54:592|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:12:54:593|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:12:54:594|WARNING| Recv’d frame failed CRC check
    21:12:57:550|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:12:57:551|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:9:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:9:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:21:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:21:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:34:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:34:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:46:350|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:46:351|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:13:58:550|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:13:58:551|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:10:750|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:10:751|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:22:950|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:22:951|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:35:150|TRACE| Parse downstream message 12 bytes
    21:14:35:151|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen IP address
    21:14:38:966|TRACE| Parse upstream message 242 bytes
    21:14:38:967|TRACE| Gateway 00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb seen
    21:14:38:968|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    21:14:38:969|DEBUG| Received packet
    000 00 77 66 55 44 33 22 11
    008 00 02 00 00 00 00 ee ff
    010 c0 ba 5a fe 37 d2 6d

    James Coleman


    We will set the log levels and get back to you.

    Yes we do have the network set to public and frequencySubBand set to 7.



    James Coleman


    Additional debug information from our JOIN request session. We see that we receive information from the Conduit at the uplink frequency of 912600000. This is when we get a response from Conduit. I thought we should be receiving a response back at the 902300000 frequency for channel 7. We set our code to transmit at 902300000 for channel 7 but do not receive a response from Conduit at this frequency. What are we doing wrong?

    LoRaWan Demo Application TJM
    chnl56 923100000 (125khz)
    njs blk7, dr4, txChnl71 chnl71 914200000 (500k)
    njs blk0, dr0, txChnl1 chnl1 912100000 (125khz)
    njs blk0, dr4, txChnl64 chnl64 903000000 (500k)
    njs blk1, dr0, txChnl9 chnl9 913700000 (125khz)
    njs blk1, dr4, txChnl65 chnl65 904600000 (500k)
    njs blk2, dr0, txChnl17 chnl17 915300000 (125khz)
    njs blk2, dr4, txChnl66 chnl66 906200000 (500k)
    njs blk3, dr0, txChnl25 chnl25 916900000 (125khz)
    njs blk3, dr4, txChnl67 chnl67 907800000 (500k)
    njs blk4, dr0, txChnl33 chnl33 918500000 (125khz)
    njs blk4, dr4, txChnl68 chnl68 909400000 (500k)
    njs blk5, dr0, txChnl41 chnl41 920100000 (125khz)
    njs blk5, dr4, txChnl69 chnl69 911000000 (500k)
    njs blk6, dr0, txChnl49 chnl49 921700000 (125khz)
    njs blk6, dr4, txChnl70 chnl70 912600000 (500k)
    njs blk7, dr0, txChnl57 chnl57 923300000 (125khz)

    17:39:34:586|INFO| ——————————————-
    17:39:34:592|INFO| DB loading…
    17:39:34:613|INFO| Database version: 5
    17:39:34:613|INFO| Latest version: 5
    17:39:34:681|INFO| Beacon is disabled
    17:41:9:73|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    17:41:9:73|WARNING| Recv’d frame failed CRC check
    17:43:17:106|INFO| Parsing 1 rx packets
    17:43:17:107|INFO| Received join request
    17:43:17:109|INFO| Device found in DB, assigning address: 1
    17:43:17:113|INFO| Queue join response 17 bytes
    17:43:17:127|INFO| Send Join Accept – EUI: c0:ff:ee:00:00:00:00:02 ADDR: 00000001
    17:43:17:127|INFO| Schedule TX Time on air: 150 ms
    17:43:21:959|INFO| Frame transmitted to 00:00:00:01 via GW (00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb Chan ERR Seq# 9
    17:43:21:967|INFO| Transmit message 186 bytes

    James Coleman


    We are very close to getting our LoRa module to complete a JOIN Request with the Conduit Gateway. Below is the response that we receive back from the Conduit when we send a JOIN request from our LoRa module. Appears that we have a channel error. Is this due to the fact that our channel frequency is not matching the Conduit channel frequency which should be set to channel 7.

    16:28:26:899|INFO| Device not found in DB
    16:28:26:899|INFO| assigning address: 1
    16:28:26:913|INFO| Queue join response 17 bytes
    16:28:26:926|INFO| Send Join Accept – EUI: c0:ff:ee:00:00:00:00:02 ADDR: 00000001
    16:28:26:926|INFO| Schedule TX Time on air: 150 ms
    16:28:31:792|INFO| Frame transmitted to 00:00:00:01 via GW (00:80:00:00:00:00:9b:cb Chan ERR Seq# 0
    16:28:31:797|INFO| Transmit message 186 bytes

    James Coleman


    Thanks for the reply and the information provided above. In regards to the DEV EUI that I show in the LoRa file above. Is this the DEV EUI that I should be using or does it really matter in regards to joining a public network?



    in reply to: mlinux resolv.conf issue #9887
    James Coleman


    Thanks for the information. I will try this and see if this works for us.


    in reply to: mlinux resolv.conf issue #9873
    James Coleman


    Thanks for your post. The problem is when power is removed from the Conduit.
    I made the revisions you reference above but the setting still goes away when power is removed from the Conduit.



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9716
    James Coleman

    OK. Will look at their website and examples.



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9714
    James Coleman


    Now that I have data transferring from my mDot to the Conduit, what are the best examples to use for sending data from the Conduit to a cloud server such as Bug Labs or M2X. I want to show the data that is being sent from Conduit to the Cloud on a webpage.



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9690
    James Coleman


    I figured out how to set the spreading factor to a different value. I am now able to transfer data from my mDot to the Conduit.

    Next step is to get the data to the cloud and show the data on a website.

    Thanks for your help.


    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9689
    James Coleman


    I am very close. It appears that the size of my data is one byte to large.

    Reference terminal window capture below.

    I have my mDot Tx Power set to 20 and the Conduit Tx Power set to 26.
    The spreading factor I am using is 10.

    What parameter(s) do I need to change in order to increase the number of bytes that I can send?

    power on: 0, kill status: 0, battery voltage: 2.517509
    Sending data… [ERROR] Data size 54 invalid, max 53 bytes
    Invalid Parameter – Data size 54 invalid, max 53 bytes

    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9688
    James Coleman


    I figured out what the problem is. My program is compiling now.
    Now I will see if I can send my data to the Conduit.



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9687
    James Coleman


    I have fixed all of my compile errors except for the one shown below. I have no idea what this means. Any ideas on what is going on here?

    Error: “/extras/mbed_34e6b704fe68/TARGET_MTS_MDOT_F411RE/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/stm32f411re.sct”, line 36 (column 9): Error: L6235E: More than one section matches selector – cannot all be FIRST/LAST.

    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9683
    James Coleman


    I am in the process of modifying your temperature sensor program to use for my application. I am getting the following errors when I compile.
    Why is the compiler having trouble with the dot identifier? Where is this defined? Same question for other Identifiers compiler is complaining about also.

    Error: Identifier “ledTick” is undefined in “main.cpp”, Line: 54, Col: 6
    Error: Identifier “dot” is undefined in “main.cpp”, Line: 63, Col: 6
    Error: Identifier “datachanged” is undefined in “main.cpp”, Line: 101, Col: 10
    Warning: Single-precision operand implicitly converted to double-precision in “main.cpp”, Line: 113, Col: 118
    Error: Identifier “dot” is undefined in “main.cpp”, Line: 131, Col: 27
    Error: Identifier “dot” is undefined in “main.cpp”, Line: 138, Col: 24



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9679
    James Coleman


    Thanks for the example. This should get me over the hump.


    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9676
    James Coleman


    I fixed the issue with setting the TX power. I used the following statements.
    The code compiled with these statements.

    static const uint32_t config_txpower = 20;

    logInfo(“setting TX power”);
    if ((ret = dot->setTxPower(config_txpower)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to set TX power %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());

    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9675
    James Coleman


    Have one more question for you. I am trying to set the TX power for mDot using the following statement. I receive an error when I compile.
    Is this syntax not correct?

    logInfo(“setting TX power”);
    if ((ret = dot->setTxPower(mDot::20dBm)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to set TX power %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9674
    James Coleman


    I am currently trying to use the mDot_LoRa_Connect_Example program to transfer the data that I want to transfer to the Conduit gateway. As you know the example program transfers the string value “hello” to the Conduit gateway.

    I have modified the mDot_LoRa_Connect_Example program (shown below) to include the additional code that monitors the value of two Digital Input pins and the value on one Analog Input pin on the mDot. These are the three values that I want to send to the Conduit. Not sure how to add the code to send these values. An example to get me started would help.

    I am also sending these values to the USB Debug Terminal Window. The terminal window output is also shown below for reference.

    * This program monitors the power on state, kill state and battery voltage on
    * Woodstream mouse trap using the Multitech mDot and UDK2 development system.
    * The power on state is monitored on the PA_4(UDK2 Pin D10)and the kill state is
    * monitored on the PA_5 (UDK2 Pin D13) Digital Input Pins. The battery voltage
    * is monitored on the PB_1 (UDK2 Pin A0) Analog Input. The status of these pins
    * are transferred from the mDot LoRa to the Conduit LoRa gateway. The status is
    * also shown on the USB Debug Terminal Window.

    #include “mbed.h”
    #include “mDot.h”
    #include “MTSLog.h”
    #include <string>
    #include <vector>
    #include <algorithm>

    // These options must match the settings on the Conduit
    // Uncomment the following lines and edit their values to match your configuration

    static std::string config_network_name = “JFETENGINEERING”;
    static std::string config_network_pass = “Deboraheng”;
    static uint8_t config_frequency_sub_band = 7;

    int main() {

    int32_t ret;
    mDot* dot;
    std::vector<uint8_t> data;
    std::string data_str = “hello!”;

    //Line 34 to Line 54 is code added by James Coleman for Woodstream mousetrap demo
    //Read Analog Input Voltage Pin PB_1 (UDK2 pin A0)
    AnalogIn batt_voltage(PB_1);

    //Read Digital Input Pins PA_4 (UDK2 pin D10) and PA_5 (UDK2 pin D13)
    DigitalIn mt_pwron(PA_4);
    DigitalIn mt_caught(PA_5);

    int old_mt_pwron = -1;
    int old_mt_caught = -1;

    if (mt_pwron != old_mt_pwron){
    old_mt_pwron = mt_pwron;
    if (mt_caught != old_mt_caught){
    old_mt_caught = mt_caught;
    //printf(“\n\r batt_voltage: %f”,(batt_voltage*3.3));
    printf(“\n\r mt_pwron: = %d mt_caught: = %d batt_voltagge: %f”, old_mt_pwron, old_mt_caught, (batt_voltage*3.3));

    // get a mDot handle
    dot = mDot::getInstance();

    // print library version information
    // logInfo(“\n\r version: %s”, dot->getId().c_str());
    // James Coleman Added printf statement below. I commented out statement above which is part of original program
    printf(“\n\r version: %s”, dot->getId().c_str());

    // configuration
    // reset to default config so we know what state we’re in


    // set up the mDot with our network information: frequency sub band, network name, and network password
    // these can all be saved in NVM so they don’t need to be set every time – see mDot::saveConfig()

    // frequency sub band is only applicable in the 915 (US) frequency band
    // if using a MultiTech Conduit gateway, use the same sub band as your Conduit (1-8) – the mDot will use the 8 channels in that sub band
    // if using a gateway that supports all 64 channels, use sub band 0 – the mDot will use all 64 channels
    logInfo(“setting frequency sub band”);
    if ((ret = dot->setFrequencySubBand(config_frequency_sub_band)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to set frequency sub band %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());

    logInfo(“setting network name”);
    if ((ret = dot->setNetworkName(config_network_name)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to set network name %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());

    logInfo(“setting network password”);
    if ((ret = dot->setNetworkPassphrase(config_network_pass)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to set network password %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());

    // a higher spreading factor allows for longer range but lower throughput
    // in the 915 (US) frequency band, spreading factors 7 – 10 are available
    // in the 868 (EU) frequency band, spreading factors 7 – 12 are available
    logInfo(“setting TX spreading factor”);
    if ((ret = dot->setTxDataRate(mDot::SF_10)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to set TX datarate %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());

    // request receive confirmation of packets from the gateway
    logInfo(“enabling ACKs”);
    if ((ret = dot->setAck(1)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to enable ACKs %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());

    // save this configuration to the mDot’s NVM
    logInfo(“saving config”);
    if (! dot->saveConfig()) {
    logError(“failed to save configuration”);
    // end of configuration

    // attempt to join the network
    logInfo(“joining network”);
    while ((ret = dot->joinNetwork()) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to join network %d:%s”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());
    // in the 868 (EU) frequency band, we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
    osDelay(std::max((uint32_t)1000, (uint32_t)dot->getNextTxMs()));

    // format data for sending to the gateway
    for (std::string::iterator it = data_str.begin(); it != data_str.end(); it++)
    data.push_back((uint8_t) *it);

    while (true) {
    // send the data to the gateway
    if ((ret = dot->send(data)) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError(“failed to send”, ret, mDot::getReturnCodeString(ret).c_str());
    } else {
    logInfo(“successfully sent data to gateway”);

    // in the 868 (EU) frequency band, we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
    osDelay(std::max((uint32_t)5000, (uint32_t)dot->getNextTxMs()));

    return 0;


    Terminal Window Output

    mt_pwron: = 0 mt_caught: = 0 batt_voltagge: 2.532015
    version: 0.0.9-1-ge7286ba[INFO] setting frequency sub band
    [INFO] setting network name
    [INFO] setting network password
    [INFO] setting TX spreading factor
    [INFO] enabling ACKs
    [INFO] saving config
    [INFO] joining network
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway

    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9673
    James Coleman


    I have used this before. I will take a look at the example again to see if I understand what is going on code wise. All I need to do is send two binary data values and one analog data value to the Conduit Gateway and then to the cloud to a webpage. Might you be able to walk me through the process?



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9653
    James Coleman


    Thanks for the information. The data that I want to transfer is not much. All I need to do is monitor the status of two Digital Input pins and an Analog Input pin. I need to report a status change of the two Digital Input pins and need to report the initial Analog Input voltage value and then report when the Analog voltage drops below a certain value.

    So 12 bytes should be fine for this application.

    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9651
    James Coleman


    Would it be possible for you to walk me through the process of transferring data from mDot to Conduit gateway and then posting this data to a webpage on M2X site.

    I need to sense when a box is powered on, and then measure the battery used to power the box, then show both the power state of the box and the battery voltage on the webpage. I also would like to monitor the state of one additional event in the box and show this state at state at a specified time intervals on the site. This time interval can be 10 minutes for demo purposes.

    Any example code, guidance you can provide would really help.



    in reply to: LoRa Range problems #9511
    James Coleman


    I changed my mDot LoRA transmit power to 20 and the Conduit transmit power to 26.
    Spreading factor is 10 which is the maximum for US.

    I am now able to achieve a distance between 0.4 miles to 0.5 miles depending on location. What is required in order to increase the distance to 1 to 2 miles?

    Can this be achieved with the current mDot LoRA radio and Conduit?



    in reply to: sample Node.js application #9510
    James Coleman


    I am still having issues with not being able to receive data from Conduit to mDot LoRA. I am running the lora-sample-app.js on the Conduit.

    What program should I be running on the mDot LoRA?

    No data is coming back. I must be missing something.



    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9485
    James Coleman

    Ok. Thanks for this information. I will review this information and see how much progress I can make based on this information.


    James Coleman


    The spreading factor is set to 10 which appears to be the max for US in the 915MHz band. I do not see in the sample program that I am using where they set the Tx power for the LoRA radio.

    Is there a way for me to modify the sample program and increase the Tx power?


    in reply to: Data format to be sent to cloud using AT commands #9477
    James Coleman


    I would like to be a part of this post also. I would like to develop a quick demo with mDot and Conduit that shows how I can send data from my mDot to the Conduit and then have the Conduit forward the data to the Cloud.

    The flavor of my Conduit is mLinux.
    The cloud service that I want to send data to is the AT&T M2X cloud service.

    Where do I find the information that shows examples, details, etc on how to configure the mDot, etc?



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