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  • #9389
    Bryon Davis

    Hi Wouter,
    On the older firmware there can sometimes be issues with temp files building up.

    You can try the steps below and see if it resolves your issue. If you still have problems, then you should create a support case at

    1. Telnet to the IP address of the iSMS on port 2222.

    2. Login with admin credentials.

    3. At the # prompt enter “cd /usr/local/tmp”

    4. Enter “ls” and note how many files are in this directory. If there are several pages, then this may be causing the 608/612 problem, continue on steps below.
    5. Enter “cd ..”

    6. Enter “rm –r tmp”. Note if it returns an error “rm: unable to remove ‘tmp’: Directory not empty, then enter “cd tmp” and check how many files exist with “ls”. If there are only a handful of files then skip the remaining steps and reboot.

    7. Enter “mkdir tmp”

    8. Reboot the SF800.


    Wouter Camps


    Since a couple of days our SF400-G-EU returns ‘Err: 612’ (System Error – Memory Allocation Failure, according to the manual). At the same time ‘Error writing API request to temp file’ lines started to appear in the syslog. The login screen of the admin webinterface still shows up when trying to connect to the device using a web browser, but when we click ‘login’, there’s no response. We tried to power down and power up the isms and even did a reset to factory settings using the reset button at the back of the device, but the problem remains. The firmware level is 1.50.7, but as we are basically stuck at the login screen, we have no way to try to upgrade or even just look around in the logs or settings. Has anyone any experience with this kind of problems and any suggestion what we can still try to do? (e.g. is there any way to access the console of the device using the serial connector and maybe take a look around at the lower level functioning?)

    Bryon Davis

    If the iSMS modem log shows the message failed to send, but the querymsg status shows successful, then there may be a bug in the firmware when International messaging is disabled and an invalid number is sent. I will check into this.


    Marcin Buciora

    Hi Bryon
    We do as you write, even now for this particular case when i call http request i receive: ID: 163 Status: 0, it means OK process end with success.
    Why API doesn’t report that sms delivery failed? I need a way to get such information automatically not manually reading failure logs. Can you help us? Is the problem is that we switched off international sms?

    best regards,

    Bryon Davis

    Hi Marcin,
    When you send a sendmsg request and it is accepted, you get a response with the API Msg ID. This indicates that the iSMS didn’t detect an error in the API request’s format and will try to send the sms message. You can then use the querymsg request to check the status of that job and see if it was successfully sent.

    Processing the “Send API” and sending the message takes some time. So, only an apimsgid is returned as a response to the “Send SMS API”. Query API can be used to query the status of a Send. It returns the status of a message submitted earlier.

    HTTP API format is:
    Response values:
    ID: apimsgid Status: status code
    ID: apimsgid Err: error code
    Err: error code

    Status Code on Descriptions:

    0 = Done
    The MultiModem iSMS has completed servicing the “Send” job. The message has been successfully sent to the cellular network for delivery to all intended recipients.

    1 = Done with error
    The MultiModem iSMS has completed servicing the “Send” job, but the message is not sent to all the recipients

    2 = In progress
    The MultiModem iSMS is processing the “Send” API.

    3 = Request Received
    The MultiModem iSMS has received the “Send” request.

    4 = Error
    Error occurred while sending the SMS from the MultiModem iSMS.

    5 = Message ID Not Found
    An API Message ID does not exist.

    6 = Distributed to Slave1 []
    The Master MultiModem iSMS has distributed the Job to a given slave.

    7 = Distribution resulted in error
    Master tried to send the job to the slaves and could not send the job to any of the slaves as the slaves are not available (loaded full or network unreachable)

    8 = Distributed among many Slaves
    The Master MultiModem iSMS has distributed the Job Request among many slaves.

    9 = API is canceled
    Reflects that API job is dropped if the Send API job is canceled from the web interface


    Marcin Buciora

    We use SF-400. I got following issue. When user put some invalid phone number like 789123789123, then SF treat it as international number. API response to such a case is OK, SMS SEND. But in SMS Failure Log we got following:

    <b>Sep 22 09:34:33 modem: faillog: [FAILED TO] : 68556353553550 : [MSG] : International messaging is disabled, message cannot be sent.
    Sep 22 09:34:33 modem: faillog: [FAILED TO] : 68556353553550 : [MSG] : Error creating message PDU data.</b>

    How to query http api to get such information. At the moment our application thinks that sms is delivered and process endup correctly. How to get true status of delivery process?

    best regards,

    Bryon Davis

    Hi Randy,
    The Unicode message the iSMS delivers have the Unicode characters in groups of 4 hex digits. So the first character in the message you posted is “0500” (CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KOMI DE) and the second character is “0339”. I’m not sure why the iPhone is sending these odd characters, they must mean something to another iPhone.

    You can convert the Unicode characters into something readable with a programming language like JAVA. Below is an example of code to convert the iSMS Unicode hex string into a readable JAVA string. Note that with the iPhone sending odd Unicode characters, there will be some characters that look like gibberish.

    public class convert_unicode {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String unicodeString   = new String("");
            String fourhex = new String ("");
            String unicodeHexString   = new String("05000339020100480065006C006C006F002000520061006E006400790020007400680069007300200069007300200061002000740065007300740020006D007300730067002000770069007400680020006D007900200061007700650073006F006D006500200049002000700068006F006E00650020006C006F006C0020D83DDE01D83DDE30D83D");
            System.out.println("Unicode Hex String from iSMS: " + unicodeHexString);
            // Convert Unicode hex string from iSMS to a Java string with Unicode characters.
            int charPtr = 0;
            while (true) {
                if ((unicodeHexString.length()-charPtr)<4) {
                fourhex = unicodeHexString.substring(charPtr, charPtr+4);
                charPtr += 4;
                char c = (char) Integer.parseInt(fourhex, 16);
                unicodeString += c;
            System.out.println("Parsed Unicode String:" + unicodeString);
            // Convert Unicode values in string to UTF-8
    	byte[] utf8Bytes       = null; 
    	String convertedString = null; 
    	try {   System.out.println(unicodeString); 
    	   utf8Bytes       = unicodeString.getBytes("UTF8");   
               convertedString = new String(utf8Bytes,  "UTF8"); 
    	   System.out.println("Converted UTF-8 String:" + convertedString); //same as the original string 
    	catch (Exception e) 

    Hope this helps.



    Topic: Access to iSMS inbox

    in forum iSMS
    Olav Langeland

    A normal user has access to send and outbox in the web gui.
    I have a colleague who wants to reprogram some external modems using AT commands but he needs to read the SMS response in the inbox. Is the Receive API the only way except giving him administrator access? Is it possible to have access to the inbox in the webgui for a normal user?

    Bryon Davis

    Hi Janssen,
    I’ll look into making changes to allow sending API messages with blank text messages.

    To send multipart messages as one long message, you must have both “Enable PDU Mode” and “Concatenate Multipart Outbound Messages” enabled.

    The extra @ characters on received multipart messages is a known bug that was fixed in v1.51.28. Please see links below.

    SF100 v1.51.28:

    SF400 and SF800 v1.51.28:



    Good Morning

    My name is Janssen Viñas, from Costa Rica.

    I have a SF800-G unit and I am testing it. I need to send blank messages to Multimodem but it responds the error 621 “Invalid SMS Text”.

    I tried through the browser with this HTTP command:

    And the browser responds error 621.

    I developed a TCP client C#, and also responds error.
    The console manager API, also not accepts blank messages.

    What would be the way for process blank messages in the Multimodem.


    Gustavo Santos


    I´m having a problem with the ISMS API. Some times the local sim carrier blocks the sim cards, and until my SMS software that I use detects the problem, they send some messages to the disabled modems.

    I would like to clear the api queue, because, for instance I just change the sim cards, but the queue is stuck for about 30 minutes.

    [Fri May 15 11:13:11 2015] : [MSG ID] : 185994 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:25:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 185995 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:25:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 185996 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:25:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 185997 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:37:07 2015] : [MSG ID] : 185998 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:37:08 2015] : [MSG ID] : 185999 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:37:08 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186000 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:43:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186001 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:43:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186002 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:43:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186003 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:49:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186004 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:49:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186005 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:49:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186006 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:55:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186007 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:55:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186008 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 11:55:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186009 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:01:07 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186010 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:01:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186011 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:01:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186012 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:07:08 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186013 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:07:09 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186014 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:07:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186015 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:13:08 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186016 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:13:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186017 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:13:10 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186018 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:33:37 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186019 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:33:38 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186020 [STATUS] : Done with error

    [Fri May 15 12:33:38 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186022 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:33:38 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186023 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:30:03 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186024 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:30:03 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186025 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:30:03 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186026 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:38:42 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186027 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:38:42 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186028 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:38:41 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186029 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:38:41 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186030 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:38:44 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186031 [STATUS] : Done with error
    [Fri May 15 12:30:07 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186032 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:30:07 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186033 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 12:30:07 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186034 [STATUS] : Request Received
    [Fri May 15 15:14:07 2015] : [MSG ID] : 186035 [STATUS] : In Progress

    BKS Bank AG


    when SMS message is sent to some smartphone models like Cubot X6 and some Windows phones they receive message: Content not supported?

    We are sending messages using HTTP API.
    We have tried to change Extended ASCII 8-bit Configuration and UNICODE configuration with no results.

    We are also on latest firmware: 1.50.7

    What else we can try?




    Topic: Speed

    in forum iSMS
    William Morgenweck

    Is there a way to speed up the system? When a person sends a text with special working my web page will send an API url string back to the iSMS to send a reply. Normally the turn around process takes about 30 to 40 seconds- sometimes well over a minute. Is there a way to speed up the back and forth? I have priority set as 3 (High)

    Added information:  I added a send email in my web service after the call for the API message, I get the email in 5 seconds.  I also added a send as text email using att email to text service and got that back in 7 seconds and I have to wait for 20-30 seconds for the dedicated MultiTech modem to return text.  Is this normal?  Is there a way to get it down below 10 seconds?  No one else is using the modem and I have a SF800-G with 1.51.28 firmware.


    Topic: Receive problems

    in forum iSMS
    William Morgenweck

    I have Non Polling Receive API Status Checked

    HTTP API Status Checked
    Protocol HTTP

    Server an IP address that works.
    Port 80

    Server Default Page DefaultSMS.apsx
    Send Encoding Flag Checked
    Server Authentication Tried both checked and unchecked.

    If I manually enter the server information and the default page such as I get the page that I am looking for. If I send a message to the MultiTech server the message is logged in the inbox but I do not get anything that fires the DefaultSMS page. Currently I only have a little process that logs when the page gets hit.

    What do I need to check?  I’m using VB.NET


    Added information: I believe that the page is getting polled about every 5 seconds but the input stream length is always 0 .  I’m still not sure that the iSMS is send any data to the web page.

    More information:  All that I get at the web page is Parameter name: s Value cannot be null.  Is there any one that I can pay for support or help?

    Apr 17 03:05:33 boa: recvlivelog: Failed to send non-polling message. Will attempt to resend later.
    Apr 17 03:06:03 boa: recvlivelog: Non-polling message [index: 1]: 04:05:26, 15/04/17, +18438225929, Ok
    Apr 17 03:06:03 boa: recvlivelog: Non-Polling delivery response from server: HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    Apr 17 03:06:03 boa: recvlivelog: HTTP NON-POLLING RECEIVE API DELIVERY FAILED: 400 Bad Request
    Apr 17 03:06:03 boa: recvlivelog: Non-Polling Post Failed to Send. Will try again later.


    Apr 17 03:07:33 boa: recvfaillog: HTTP Non-Polling Receive API message that failed:
    POST /http://xxx.xx.9.212/web/ismsResponse.aspx HTTP/1.1
    HOST: xxx.xx.9.212:80
    User-Agent: MultiModem iSMS/1.51.28
    Accept: text/xml, application/xml, application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png, */*
    Accept-Language: en-us; en;q=0.50
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Accept-Charset: ISO-8859-1, utf-8;q=0.7, *;q=0.7
    Keep-Alive: 300
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
    Content-Length: 545



    Topic: Euro symbol

    in forum iSMS

    I own an iSMS SF100 with the current firmware : 1.51.28.

    I try to send an sms who contain the euro symbole (€) over the HTTP API.

    My SMS Settings are :

    PDU Enable
    ASCII 7-bit : 3GPP 23.038

    I don’t know exactly how to use the Basic Character Set Extension who own the € character.

    Did someone can explain to me ?


    Bryon Davis

    Yes, the sms texts were only delivered once if the OK response was successfully received by the SF800.

    Please check the “Receive API Live Log” to see if the Delivery was considered successful by the SF800. If a delivery was considered a failure, the sms texts will be redelivered until it is successful.

    If the “Receive API Live Log” shows the deliveries are failing, the delivery message will help determine what the problem may be. A “failed to connect to TCP server” message may indicate that the response took longer than expected or wasn’t receive. If it receive an incorrect response, it will display the response it received.


    fleure fleure

    hello bryon;
    i want to know if after sending the ok response, you receive the list of the same messages or you receive new messages. this is my probleme , if i send the ok response , the isms modem continues to sent me all the liste of sms.
    ( the old messages i have received and the new one), but I want to receive new messages that I have not yet received.

    I want to know also about setting the Max Posts Per Post parameters. What is the value you have set.

    thank you.

    fleure fleure

    Ok Byron, I’ll check the modem configuration. but I see in the received sms that the version of the modem is MultiModem iSMS / 1.51.28 it’s just that the authentication is OFF.

    Bryon Davis

    When testing the java code provided with my SF100 v1.51.28 (the SF400 and SF800 should behave the same), my TCP Non-Polling Recv API deliveries were shown as successful in the SF100’s “Receive API Live Log” and were only delivered once.

    If you are still getting the same messages multiple times, then I would suggest making sure you are at the latest firmware (v1.51.28), verify that “Non Polling Receive API Status” is set to TCP in the SMS API menu (HTTP requires a different response), and check what the Receive API Live Log is showing. The Receive API Live log should show if it was considered successful, and if it wasn’t it will show the response it received from your server.


    fleure fleure

    hello bryon , thank you for you response.
    if you test your code , is the isms still to send you messages or not ?. because i keep getting messages, and logically it should just send me the new messages and not the old to whom I have already answered.

    Bryon Davis

    I was able to create a simple java server program that successfully responds to the iSMS Non-Polling TCP deliveries.

    Here it is:

    public class TCPServer {
        public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception
             int port = 6789;
             String recvLine;
             ServerSocket welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(port);
             System.out.println("TCP Server Starting on Port: " + port);
                Socket connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
                BufferedReader inFromClient =
                   new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(connectionSocket.getInputStream()));
                DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
                recvLine = inFromClient.readLine();
                System.out.println("Received: " + recvLine);
                System.out.println("Sending: OK");
                byte[] b = "OK".getBytes();
    fleure fleure

    hello , can you give me the format ( or an example )of ok response to answer multi modem isms that i have received all message by Receive API ( with non polling mode).
    thank you.

    Bryon Davis

    You can see the text the modem received by looking at the SMS Live Log in the Statistics&Logs -> Log Traces menu. When a message is received it comes in as a “+CMT” message. If you are using PDU mode, you may need to use an online PDU decoder to see what the text was.

    If the +CMT message shows that it received “-” rather than “@” than most likely it was changed in the Cellular Network(s) before reaching the modem.

    If the +CMT message contained a “@”, then check the Inbox to see what is shown there, and also the “Receive API Live Log” to see what message was delivered to your web server.

    When you reboot, the logs are wiped, so you would have to wait for it to occur again and then look at the SMS Live Log for that modem.


    fleure fleure

    hello , can you help me please and give me the good format of response to send to multimodem isms for answer the receive stp api.

    fleure fleure

    hello, i d’ont find the solution for my problem. i d’ont know how send ok respons to multimodem isms.
    please can you help me.
    thank you.

    fleure fleure

    i receive messages from muti modem isms and i try to send response to the multimodem but i am not sur for the good format of response to send.
    can you give me un exemple of response please.

    fleure fleure

    thank you bryon. i want juste the format of response to send to multi Modem isms if this possible to send ot me please.
    thank you.

    Bryon Davis

    The TCP response should be “OK” (without the quotes).

    What firmware version are you using? There is a known issue with v1.50.7 where the OK response isn’t always recognized, and the same messages are repeatedly sent.

    The firmware at the links below is the latest firmware and includes a fix for this:


    SF400 and SF800:


    fleure fleure

    hello, I receive a message , but i have the same problème like you trivor .
    i don’t know how to send response to multi modem isms.
    thank you for your help.

    fleure fleure

    hello all ,
    i receive message from multimodem isms ( with non polling mode) but i don’t know how to send reponse ok . ( answer to multimodem isms)
    i know that the response have a format like this:

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”ISO-8859-1″?>\r\n
    <Message>Here is a test message</Message>\r\n

    But i don’t know if i send it directly in socket ( TCP API ) or i must send it with a speficique format like sendSMS format.
    thank you for your help.

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