xDot/mDot UART differences

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  • #17231
    Andrew Lindsay


    Are there any differences in the mbed Serial library between the xDot and mDot version? I’m using the xDot UART1 to communicate with a serial device at 9600 baud. The same code, with a change in the port pins works fine on the mDot but will not work on the xDot. Code compiles and runs but no data is being received. It is a simple serial passthrough application using the mbed Serial class.

    Are there any known issues around this area?

    I have tried this on both mbed 2 and mbed-os 5.



    Mike Fiore


    What pins are you using on both devices? Are the dots on DK boards or on custom boards?

    What version of mbed-os are you using?

    As I’m sure you well know, the mbed Serial code should work on any mbed device. However, the underlying implementation is a little different between the F4 and L1 families. See the following files:




    Andrew Lindsay

    Its the UART1 interface I’m using on the xDot not the USB interface.

    Mike Fiore


    I’m not sure what you meant by your last comment. It’s possible to have a dot on a DK and still use the UART interface.

    What pins are you using on both devices? Are the dots on DK boards or on custom boards?

    What version of mbed-os are you using?

    Did anything else from my previous post help you out at all?


    Andrew Lindsay

    Yes, xdot is on the dev board, doing some evaluations before committing to a design. So far the xDot is losing out to other manufacturers. Its latest mbed-os and I also tried the latest mbed 2 but that wont compile for xdot anyway.

    Pins on both devices are UART_TX and UART_RX on the xDot. I’ll check the rest and try again later. Not able to look just yet.



    Peter Ferland

    Double check that you’ve soldered your connections on the DK to the correct pad – on the UART_TX and UART_RX pins are not right above each other, TX is the 2nd closest to the USB port on the bottom of the board not the closest.

    I only ask because I did it the first time I connected a UART on the xDot…

    Andrew Lindsay

    Thanks Peter, I’ve got it connected fine as I’ve used a regular FTDI cable to test it.


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