xDot communicating with Android

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  • #19799
    Jade Pierce

    I have been trying to send AT commands to the xDot using an Android tablet. I been using the UsbSerial library by felHR85. I managed to get a program working with the Android talking to an Arduino. I attempted to use the same code, but with a changed baud rate.

    Is there a unique way the xDot communicates using serial that I am missing?
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Mike Fiore


    The Dot AT firmware uses 8N1 at 115200 baud by default. You will want to make sure you Android side has flow control turned off.


    Jade Pierce

    I have the settings rate at 115200 baudRate, 8 databits, 1 stopbit, no parity, and flow control off. And it still not seeing the xDot. When I unplug and plug it back in, the device ID changes. When looking at it though a terminal the device ID is either ARMmbed or on occasion a UART.


    Mike Fiore


    The ARMmbed device is probably the debug port. You’d want to be issuing the AT commands on the other device which should be the command port.

    Does communication with a PC (instead of the Android) work OK? If so, I’d be inclined to think the issue is on the Android side.

    Are you using an existing Android app or writing a new one?


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