Using I2C bus with mbed-os 5.3

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    Yusuf Goren

    I’m trying to migrate the codes I have for mDot to the new mbed setup using mbed-cli (using the offline toolchains). I saw some posts referring to I2C bus problems with mbed-os v5.1.5 but I realized that the latest branch is 5.3 now. Could you tell me if I2C is operational on 5.3 or if I should revert back to 5.1.x?

    Also, mbed-cli looks neat with source controls and packages but I couldn’t find any documents about where to put the main source code for the project (For the previous offline setup, I had added new libraries (as tests) and modified the Python code (./workspace_tools/ to accommodate these). Could you guide me on this too?

    Thanks a lot!

    Mike Fiore


    We’re not aware of any I2C issues with mbed-os 5.3, but we also haven’t done much testing with that release yet. Please let us know how it goes if you try it out.

    The mbed-cli documentation can be found on GitHub:




    Hi Yusuf,

    As far as I know, only mbed-os version 5.1.5 has the I2C problem. If you are using libmDot-mbed5, then roll back to 5.1.4. In the commit messages of the following page, you will see that we built against mbed-os version 5.1.5 but 5.1.4 will work too.
    If you are using libmDot-dev-mbed5, it is recommended that you coordinate the mbed-os version as shown in the commit message but you can try mbed-os version 5.3 if you want.

    When you create a project using mbed-cli, for instance , mbed-os will be a sub-directory of . You will also want libmDot-mbed5 or libmDot-dev-mbed5 as a sub-directory of . Your application should be inside in whatever structure you organize it into.

    Kind regards,

    Sudhir Kshirsagar

    We couldn’t get 5.3.1 to work properly with I2C. We have a working example in mbed2. We removed the mbed and added mbed-os. We get funky values back.


    Hi Sudhir,

    Have you tried the library version with the recommended mbed-os version according to the commit messages…
    As stated above, when using the I2C, 5.1.4 not 5.1.5 should be used where the commit message indicates 5.1.5.

    Kind regards,

    Sudhir Kshirsagar

    Hi Leon,
    We are not using the libmDot at all for that testing. Just took the working BME280_hello sample from Mbed. Tested it. Worked find. Deleted mBed and added mBed-os (several versions). One of them returned data but the values were bad.
    We are using the Sparkfun BME280 breakout that has built-in pullups. If you can get hold of one, it will be a good test case.

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