Timeline on next libmdot production version release?

Home Forums mDot/xDot Timeline on next libmdot production version release?

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  • #18085
    Tom Hill

    During one of my meetings with the Multitech team and in this forum too I was told during the first quarter of this year there would be a new production/stable version libmdot released. Is this still the expected timeline since we will be entering the second quarter soon. I am looking forward to starting our current implementation tested against a more stable build instead of a development build. We use the PVD and a stable version of the I2C feature that is currently if I am right only present on the dev builds, so I am hoping this feature will be available in the next release of the production build.

    If the multitech team can share any information regarding when the next build would be out and which version of mbed os will it support?


    Tom Hill

    Any inputs on this topic multitech team? Would help our planning on our go live dates better.


    Mike Fiore


    We pushed out 2.0.17 (same as 2.0.16) production builds for mDot & xDot just a little while ago.


    Tom Hill

    Thanks Mike, Is there a way to tell, this production version of the build encompasses until what version of the dev-libmdot. I am currently using the revision of dev-libmdot revision 75:60e021ba and mbed-os 5.2.2


    Mike Fiore

    The commit messages name the Dot library version. You can compare yourself but I think the 2.0.17 production build would be the latest.

    Tom Hill

    Hi Mike,

    Thanks, I guess I will do that. I just imported the new library and based on the 2.0.17 revision, it seems like its using the mbed-os-5.4.2, however when building against my source code against the latest build of libmdot, I see some deprecated warnings as shown below. Hope this won’t cause any issues?

    Warning: Function “mbed::Callback<R ()>::attach(R (*)()) [with R=void]” (declared at /extras/mbed-os.lib/platform/Callback.h:276) was declared “deprecated” in “libmDot-mbed5/MTS-Lora/vendor/multitech/MTS-Utils/MTSCircularBuffer.h”, Line: 102, Col: 17


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