SIM card detected/not detected problem

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  • #16124
    Radim Malinowski


    I am facing the following problem. I cannot send SMS messages from Multitech Conduit Gateway. My approach description is bellow.

    1. Unlocked SIM card inserted.
    2. Cellular enabled using Conduit GUI (first problems occured)
    a) Even the SIM card is unlocked GUI reported warning that SIM card is locked.
    b) Based on a) I entered SIM card PIN and restard Conduit. GUI reported ERROR that SIM card is locked.
    c) Finally I decide to leave PIN box empty and restart Conduit again.
    3. All attempts to send SMS using proper NODE-RED node failed and therefore I decide to go to step 4.
    4. I connet to Conduit using putty through SSH and try to use sms utility. All commands (i.e. sms list all) failed with the following ERROR: [ERROR] atcmd.c:atcmd_expect_line:373: expected OK but got +CMS ERROR: 310!

    Could you please advice me how to get over these problems?

    Radim Malinowski

    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Radim

    What is the serial number of your Conduit?
    +CMS ERROR 310 is an indication the SIM is not inserted. Can you please
    describe the SIM card orientation in the SIM card slot.
    Try using the radio-query utility to issue AT Commands directly to the cellular radio.

    Using the Radio-query utility issue the AT Commands below and post their response.
    at+cops=? (wait 30 seconds for response)

    -Best Regards

    Radim Malinowski

    Hi Steve,

    first of all thank you for such a quick reply.

    Serial number: 18814853

    I read SIM card installing guide before I insert SIM card into Conduit therefore orientation is correct. When SIM card wasn´t inserted properely an error message showed up in Conduit GUI. Now I don´t see any error message.

    Radio-query utility responses

    admin@mtcdt:~# radio-cmd at+cpin?
    admin@mtcdt:~# radio-cmd at+cgreg?
    +CGREG: 0,0

    admin@mtcdt:~# radio-cmd at+csq
    +CSQ: 24,1

    admin@mtcdt:~# radio-cmd at+cmgf?
    +CMS ERROR: 310
    admin@mtcdt:~# radio-cmd at+cops=? (no response – wait for 2 min)
    admin@mtcdt:~# radio-cmd at+cops=? (no response – wait for 2 min)

    Best regards

    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Radim

    The “ERROR” response to at+cpin? indicates that the SIM card is not detected
    by the cellular radio. This would be the same behavior if the SIM card is
    removed from the device altogether.

    +CGREG: 0,0 response indicates the cellular radio is not “registered” on the
    cellular network, and is not trying (indicative of the SIM not being detected).
    +CSQ:24,1 response indicates a detected receive signal strength of 24 out of 31
    If you are certain you have the correct size SIM properly oriented in the device, my only suggestion is to try another (2FF) SIM card and see if the cellular radio detects it.

    -Best Regards

    Radim Malinowski

    Hi Steve,

    thank you for your advices. Everything works now. I misunderstood term MiniSIM card and I used MicroSIM instead. Sorry for troubles.

    Have a nice day and whole new year.

    Best regards


    Hello Steve,

    I am trying to connect the sim, to the network, using

    pppd call gsm connect, following this reference:

    But, I see that, it is not able to connect to the network. By surfing over the internet, I reached to this page.

    I tried above commands, & I saw that,

    radio-cmd at+cpin

    is showing ERROR. That means, sim is not detected.

    So, I think, there is some issue with some detection. So, if you can help someway, it would be good.

    I am using Multitech conduit, with mLinux installed in it, version greater than 5.

    If you need any more details, please ask.

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