Getting information about the Gateway in Node Red

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Getting information about the Gateway in Node Red

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  • #18197
    Manon Scatassi

    I have a MultiConnect Conduit with a LoRa mdot.

    Is it possible to get information about the Gateway in Node Red ?
    My goal is to create a message for a custom server (http) in which you’d have the ID of the Gateway, its model, timestamp, hopefully its state and/or other things about the Gateway itself…

    Thank you

    Peter Ferland

    I’d recommend using the REST api on the conduit. You can find more details on the API here:

    Manon Scatassi

    Thanks for your prompt answer. I did manage to get the ID of the Gateway by sending resquest to the rest API.
    Correct me if I am wrong, but this will work only if I want the ID of the Gateway hosting the application server. If I want the ID of a packet forwarder, this solution won’t work, will it ?

    Peter Ferland

    It will work. The REST API you’re using is always running on an AEP conduit, its what provides the administration webpage. You can in fact configure the LoRa server mode using the api/loraNetwork/lora endpoint.

    Manon Scatassi

    Perfect then !
    Thank you !

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