Failed to join network

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  • #18907
    Shaheen Parvizi

    So I have an mDot-915 connected to a development board, and hooked up to my laptop. When issuing the AT commands to connect the mdot to the Multitech AEP gateway I own, it shows a failed to join network error. I input the proper ID and passphrase as well as the frequency band that matches the settings of the conduit. Why do I keep receiving this error? Am I missing a step?

    Peter Ferland

    Double check that the public network switch agrees between the two. (AT+PN)

    Shaheen Parvizi

    Thank you, I got it to connect to the gateway now. A new problem I am having is when I try and send data to the gateway the gateway is not receiving any packets. I send with at+send=hello world and it reads back “OK.” Then the lora status log doesn’t show that it is receiving any packets, just CRC errors and duplicate packets.

    Peter Ferland

    Can you see packets in node red following this guide?

    Conduit mPower: LoRa Communication and Node-RED

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