Install actility thinkpark on conduit aep

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Install actility thinkpark on conduit aep

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  • #17053
    mdot_dev aa

    Is it possible to replace firmware on a multitech conduit aep by an instance of actility think park?

    My company has this base station and we are interested in testing this software on a conduit aep. We are happy with its size and with the device itself but we have been asked to used the other SW.

    Peter Ferland

    Actility has their own firmware image that they write to the Conduit. Either mLinux or AEP can be replaced with Actility’s firmware. When you log into ThingPark go to the FAQ, then the “Your Gateway” tab and follow the Multitech Conduit instructions under “How to connect your gateway?”

    mdot_dev aa

    Ok, thank you. I will check that right now. Is it possible to go back after flash actility’s firmware? We are also testing loriot and node-red in the same device and we can switch from one another so far.

    Peter Ferland

    After the actility firmware is installed you will need to follow the mLinux instructions for flashing the firmware here:

    You will need to extract the uImage.bin and rootfs.jffs2 files from the AEP bin. Simply treat the .bin as a tar.gz file to extract.

    Gabriel Petracca

    I installed actility firmware and I want to go back to mlinux from Multitech. Actility does not provide the user and password for the SSH access. It is not the default from Multitech. How can I recover access?

    Peter Ferland

    There is a process, but its a little involved. Can you open a support case?

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Peter Ferland.
    Gabriel Petracca

    Thank you Peter. I oppened a thread:

    Actility LRR Thingpark on Conduit mlinux


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