what is the function setEvents

Home Forums mDot/xDot what is the function setEvents

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    simeoni lorenzo

    Hello again, i’m really sorry to ask another question, but I don’t really see what the function void setEvents(mDotEvent* events); do, they use it in exemple but they juste do dot->setEvents(&events); with the commentary // attach the custom events handler , and i don’t really understand… Somoene knows pls?:)

    Mike Fiore

    Events fire when different things happen in the MAC layer – TX done, TX error, RX done, RX error, join accept, etc, etc. The event handler is a way for the application to be notified of important things like those and others without constantly polling the library.


    simeoni lorenzo

    I don’t really understand, is it essential for the program?

    Mike Fiore

    You don’t need to inject a custom events handler. A default one is always there. It’s just available in case you want to override it and do custom things when different events fire.


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