Upgrade config from saved config gives conflict in LoRa

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    I am trying to roll-out gateways with as less actions as possible. When call home is enabled you can do many things with DeviceHQ. But when I save a config from a working device and reuse this config on a new gw I have trouble with the gwid because the roll-out will place the gwid from the gw where the config is created from. What do I wrong and how can I make templates per region which I can roll-out over all gw’s in that region. I miss also the config menu from LoRa in the DeviceHQ “Upgrade config (partial)”.

    With kind regards,

    Jason Reiss

    The packet forwarder configured in MANUAL mode can have a placeholder for the gatewayID.

    Any text between the angled brackets will be replace with the hardware EUI.

    Conduit AEP: Convert to Basic Packet Forwarder

    We will look to include a similar option for the NORMAL config mode in a future release.

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