Transmit Failure Codes

Home Forums mDot/xDot Transmit Failure Codes

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  • #19644
    Scott Symes

    Hi, I’m currently developing an application using the xDot in mbed and have an issue with sending data to a conduit gateway. I think the radio is unable to connect on the second attempt, but I can’t find documentation on the mDot::send() fail-codes to help debug this problem:

    First TX attempt succeeds,

    Second TX attempt:
    [ERROR] Send failed : code 13
    [ERROR] failed to send data to gateway [-2][Transmit Error]

    Subsequent TX attempts:
    [ERROR] Transmit in progress
    [ERROR] failed to send data to gateway [-2][Transmit Error]

    What is the code 13 error?

    Mike Fiore


    This code is LORA_BUFFER_FULL. There was a bug where this wasn’t coupled with a good mDot error code in some cases. You’d get this when you’re attempting to send data but there’s not enough room because there are MAC command responses in the option bytes for the next uplink packet.

    We intend to add a new function so customers can see how much space is available in the next uplink. A workaround is to send an empty packet first, then try sending again.


    Mike Fiore


    I was mistaken on one point. When the LORA_BUFFER_FULL error code is returned to send, the packet has been sent, but just the MAC command responses (without the payload because there wasn’t enough room for it). So after that send is done, you should be able to call send again with your payload and it should go through.

    Sorry for the confusion!


    Scott Symes

    Great, thanks for the info

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