Send speed

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  • #2591
    Trevor Benedict

    Im having a bit of an issue with how fast sms’s are being sent out.

    I queue up 30 sms’s to go out(not the same message, all diff phones).

    It can take up to 5-7 minutes to send out 30 messages(status 0). Even with priority=3

    SIM Card: Wyless, I want to try T-Mobile, but I can right now, 2 hour drive.

    Is there anything I can check or do?

    Bryon Davis

    Typically a channel can send around 8-10 messages a minute. So if you have a SF100 (1 channel), 30 messages would usually take around 3-4 minutes. This may go down if there are incoming messages between sending. If you have more channels, it should send quicker.

    Trevor Benedict

    Its just so much slower then what im use too with an Motorola modem that I use via serial cable.

    It takes about 5-10 sec to send out a sms message.

    Why is it so much slower on iSMS ?

    John Mathis

    Is this limit of 8-10 per minute/channel a hardware limitation, or is this something imposed by the carrier?

    Bryon Davis

    Your send rates will vary depending on speed of the wireless connection to the tower, how much traffic the tower is receiving, and how large the messages are. There isn’t any settings on the iSMS to optimize or improve speed. You could try contacting the carrier and see if they have any suggestions.

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