Send downlink DevStatusReq mac command

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    I want to send the downlink messages for the end device and get status info about one. I’ve learnt the Lorawan specification and there have the special mac command DevStatusReq. This status can inform the network server and then my application of its status like battery level.
    Also I’ve studed the Multitech documentation of lora communication. There’s describe of sending downstream messages like NewChannelReq (add new channel). But for DevStatusReq mac command by the Lorawan specification doesn’t give a special sending attributes (Channel Index, Frequency, Data rate Range).
    So, could you describe how I should send DevStatusReqmac command to end-device? What I should the data send and what the format their?

    Thanks and Regards

    Jason Reiss

    > new Buffer(“06”, “hex”).toString(“base64”)

    $ mosquitto_pub -t “lora/DEV-EUI/down” -m ‘{“port”:0,”data”:”Bg==”}’


    But I’ve tried that. And this message only put in downlink message query in Multitech. This message don’t remove from that and I don’t see downlink packets in table Packets.
    Why doesn’t my message remove from Multitech downlink message query?

    Jason Reiss

    Class A device would wait for uplink.


    Hmm, what does it mean? Don’t I send a downlink message immediately? Or how I can force send downlink messages to end-device? Because I’m wanting get information from one at the moment

    Jason Reiss

    See LoRaWAN Class A vs C devices.


    Thank’s a lot! I’ve read some article about class A and C devices. Class A have a short interval for sending oportunity. The network server can respond during the first receive window (RX1) or the second receive window (RX2). On the other hand class C devices have long RX2 and we can almost always send downlink message.

    So, It means that the Multiteh downlink query messages wait for the next uplink message from class A device? And it starts sending message when open RX1 window.


    And could you give answer. I always should try to send my downlink message only by port 0, don’t I?

    Jason Reiss

    Yes a Class A device can only receive downlinks after an uplink.

    Port 0 is only used for MAC commands. Application downlinks can use any other port. Some ports at the top of the range (200-255) are reserved for LoRaWAN extension applications such as Multicast setup and Fragmentation.


    Great! Thanks a lot, Jason. I will try your explanation.

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