Save and Apply in web UI odd behavior

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    After losing my gateway configuration, for unknown reasons, I’m trying to restore access to the gateway via ssh as part of rebuilding it. When I make a change under Access, I can Submit changes under Access Configuration, then click Save and Apply, and get back a confirmation that I’ve saved my changes, and then the Save and Apply button immediately reverts to “Pending changes to save” state (where it’s Red). My changes are not applied, nor are they saved. At least they’re not saved in anything that lines up with reality; ssh attempts result in Connection Refused. I’ve attempted to restore a previously saved configuration, hoping it would get me back to bubble, but that also fails. Are there any options besides a factory reset and manually rebuilding this, again? This is the second MTC I’ve had this problem with.


    Disabling password auth in /etc/ssh/sshd_config seems to completely disable ssh. I can enable public key, and that works fine, but as soon as password auth is disabled in the config, ssh stops working, and all connection attempts are refused.

    Steve Kovarik

    Can you make any configuration changes in the Conduit GUI that are successfully applied after a “Save and Apply”?
    Next step is to factory default the device then manually reconfigure.
    I may also recommend to reload device firmware.

    -Best Regards


    I reset the Lora network config to defaults, and that resolved the Save and Apply issue. From there, I was able to reconfigure and aside from the other issues I mentioned (Backup and Restore didn’t work), and the ssh config for no password, things are fine.

    Jeff Hatch

    Did you have a custom LoRa configuration of any kind that you created? This sounds like either something in the configuration broke the formatting for the database, or something else related to the configuration caused the API to have errors.

    I don’t suppose you have an /var/log/messages logs from the time of when the Save/Apply issue was occurring?



    No, I didn’t.

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