
Home Forums mDot/xDot rx1DatarateOffset

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  • #16284
    Robert Halpenny


    My packets from dot devices require Acks for our project. I am trying to maximize the range of the ack response.
    We are using DR0 (SF10125BW) for our (US) dots.
    I tried to set the rx1DatarateOffset to 2, which should set the response (ACK) packets to SF12BW500. I verify that the server reports that it is sending said packets out, but the dot never receives them. Do I need to adjust some other setting on the dot to receive SF12 packets?

    I have tried adjusting with
    but I don’t think that is what I want anyway and it doesn’t work. Any other suggestions?


    Jason Reiss

    The Rx1 DR Offset will be sent to the device in the Join Accept message in an OTA join. So a rejoin of the device after changing the Rx1 Offset in the network server would be needed.

    Otherwise this command can be used to adjust the setting in current network session.
    int32_t mDot::injectMacCommand(const std::vector& data)

    Inject the following MAC command
    RxParamSetupReq => CMD | Rx1Offset & Rx2DR | Rx2 Frequency (LSB)
    05 2 0 68E28C (923.3)

    The gateway can transmit at a higher power than the mDot so this adjustment may not be needed if max power is used.

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