RS-232 IRQ etc

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  • #2596
    Neil McGuire

    I’m trying to use the external DE-9 connector to communicate with an external device, using only pins 2 (TX), 3(RX) and 5(GND). I tried using setserial to see what IRQ and Port were being used, and it returned UART undefined, port 0x0000 and IRQ 7. Is that right?

    The application I am using opens a boost serial_port on /dev/ttyS2, like the manual says, but no data seems to make it out, nor in. It works fine on /dev/ttyS0 on my ubuntu dev box, but not on the CDP. Are there any utilities/conf files I need to look at to try to figure out what the port and IRQ should be set for?

    Jesse Gilles

    You don’t need to specify the port and IRQ, you should just need to use /dev/ttyS2 (it is already configured with the correct hardware info). I would recommend running microcom on the port with the correct baud rate and confirm that you can send data back and forth?

    Neil McGuire

    Okay, I took a break from it for a while and have come back to it.

    I have minicom on both the CDP and my development pc. When I hook the target serial cable into the dev pc, I get the expected data. I then plug the cable into the cdp box, and get nothing. If I hook the serial cables (with a liberal number of gender changes) directly from the cdp box to the dev pc, I can pass data across between the two of them.

    Here’s the settings I have that allow them to talk to each other and for the dev pc to read from the signal source, which is a three-wire (gnd, rx, tx) connection:

    Development PC:

    Serial Device: /dev/ttyS0

    Lock File: /var/lock

    Callin Program:

    Callout Program:

    Bps/Par/Bits: 9600 8N1

    Hardware Flow Control: No

    Software Flow Control: No

    CDP box:

    Serial Device: /dev/ttyS2

    Lock File: /var/lock

    Callin Program:

    Callout Program:

    Bps/Par/Bits: 9600 8N1

    Hardware Flow Control: No

    Software Flow Control: No

    I was wondering if the driver was expecting there to be more than the three pins active? I’m also going to try a USB to Serial converter, but am not sure what device that would end up being.

    Neil McGuire

    Alright, got the USB Serial port up and running, reading just fine from the source. I just had to modify defconf in /openembedded/recipes/linux/[version used] to enable the PL2303 driver, and it got up and running as ttyUSB0. Still not sure why the built-in RS232 can’t read the source.

    Jesse Gilles

    The external RS232 port is setup to be a DCE port, so the RX and TX lines are swapped compared to your PC serial port (DTE). You’ll need to use a null modem adapter when you’re connecting the serial device to the CDP since the CDP is DCE and your external device is also DCE.

    Neil McGuire

    I re-soldered the wire swapping RX and TX, and it’s working now. Thanks, Jesse.

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