RN2483 to conduit aep

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model RN2483 to conduit aep

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  • #16267
    mdot_dev aa

    I am trying to connect some modules I have from microchip to my conuit aep 1.3.3 version.

    I want that the station assign an address so I don’t have to configure each device one by one. I want to have a code in which I set the deveui, nwkskey, appsket, appeui… but the devaddr should be set by network. Is this possible?

    Now I have to set:
    deveui (I get hweui and assign there)
    Then mac join otaa/abp

    Also I need to add every single device to my conduit aep by executing: nc -u localhost 6677

    And then, add the following line: node add [DevAddr] [APPEUI] [DEVEUI] [NwkSKey] [AppSKey]

    Is it possible to avoid this step?

    What should I do? How should I go on here?

    Jason Reiss

    The only way to connect to a network server without “node add” is to use the common NetworkID and NetworkKey on all devices and use OTAA join.

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