Pre-loaded image on MT100EOCG-DK Linux Dev board?

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    Terry Gooding

    Hi everyone

    A bit new to this and a bit stuck so thought I’d seek out some answers.

    We have recently purchased the MT100EOCG-DK Linux Dev board:-

    1. Does this board come with any pre-installed Linux image?

    I’ve connected the board via ethernet to our network and tried pinging but got nothing so presume there is nothing on this board.

    2. If it doesn’t come pre-installed do I have to go thru the whole bitbake build on a Linux platform or is there an off the shelf image I can use?

    We want to use the Multitech SDK with Java so not sure if we need to use bitbake or not.

    My knowledge of this is limited to the Raspberry Pi where you can flash the Raspian image as the standard, or the Raspbmc image for Media Centre etc

    Any help on this (or links) will be gratefully received


    Bryan Tran

    Hi Terry,

    It looks like, you also need to order an additional MT100EOCG-H5/G2/EV2 module. Pls, Talk to our Sales at – 1-800-328-9717 ext 2401



    Terry Gooding

    Bryan – I should have mentioned the dev board has the MT100EOCG-H5 fitted.

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Terry,

    1. Does this board come with any pre-installed Linux image?

    *Yes. it does. Look for the status LED on the DK board and see if it is blinking. If so, you can hook up a 3 pin serial debug cable and try to boot it up in minicom and see if you are getting any booting up messages.

    If you do, then log in with root/root, then type ifconfig eth0 and see what is the IP address of the board. Also, check your PC IP address to make sure it is in the same subnet.

    2. If it doesn’t come pre-installed do I have to go thru the whole bitbake build on a Linux platform or is there an off the shelf image I can use?

    * Yes. You can load a precompile image onto the device.

    Here is the instruction for how to flash upgrade your device with out the need of rebuilding the source code.

    a. Go to this link below and download two files:

    i. CoreCDP-corecdp-full-image-eglibc-ipk-2.2.2-mt100eocg.rootfs.jffs2

    ii. uImage-2.6.35-r4.corecdp11-mt100eocg.bin

    b. Rename the above two files as follow:

    i. rootfs.jffs2

    ii. uImage.bin

    c. Create a /flash-upgrade folder on your SD card.

    d. Copy the rootfs.jffs2 and uImage.bin to /flash-upgrade folder.

    e. Insert the SD card into the MT100EOCG device.

    f. Either connect the 3 pin serial debug cable to the MT100EOCG board or ssh into your MT100EOCG device and type:

    cd /media/card/flash-upgrade and then ls to make sure the rootfs.jffs2, uImage.bin files are there.

    g. Type: touch /var/volatile/do_flash_upgrade

    h. Type: reboot

    We want to use the Multitech SDK with Java so not sure if we need to use bitbake or not.

    *You can just compile your Java code and run it on the device without using any bitbake if you want. However, you would want to use bitbake to include your Java code into the final image so that you can take the final image and flash it with production units.



    Terry Gooding


    Thanks for the info. The problem with the IP address was that it was being blocked by our firewall which I didn’t realise until our IT Engineer came back who recognised wouldn’t work on our network 🙁

    We managed to change the IP address and it then worked fine over Ethernet. Connecting with the Debug cable worked fine also. (both on PuTTy)

    Also got the example basic-app.jar running – only after realising the /dist directory needed to be copied as well!

    One thing I’ve noticed with this site is that when going thru the Introduction, Prerequisites, Getting Started etc you wouldn’t realise that there’s a Multitech SDK/Java path to getting up and running. In fact I only realised there was an SDK/Java option when looking in the News section.

    Maybe in the Introduction a description of the SDK/Java could be described with its own Prerequites, Getting Started etc sections – it would definitely help newbies like me!

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Terry,

    Maybe in the Introduction a description of the SDK/Java could be described with its own Prerequites, Getting Started etc sections – it would definitely help newbies like me!

    *Good point. Will try to work on that.



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