How to interpret LoRa Demo data ?

Home Forums Conduit: mLinux Model How to interpret LoRa Demo data ?

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  • #18132
    Etienne BOURDEAU

    Hello !

    Sorry to disturb you, I would like to understand how to decode Base64 encoded data I had from LoRa Demo.

    I’m using a Mdot with a Multiconnect Conduit 210L-EU.

    When I read the data, I have data like : DgL/DwgF/IAFANYLAWM=

    Decoded in bytes with Python 3, it gives : [14, 2, 255, 15, 8, 5, 252, 128, 5, 0, 214, 11, 1, 99]

    If I have understood well, this contains Lux, Pressure, Altitude, Temperature and Altitude information.

    I tried to understand this page, but I don’t know which bytes to use and how to use them to have the final results :


    Could you help me understand this ?

    Thank you very much !

    Etienne BOURDEAU

    update with new question.

    Jason Reiss

    “DgL/DwgF/IAFANYLAWM=” => ‘0e02ff0f0805fc800500d60b0163’

    0e 02ff0f Accel
    08 05fc80 Pres
    05 00d6 Lux
    0b 0163 Temp

    Etienne BOURDEAU

    Thank you very much !
    I didn’t understand that at all.
    So, if I understand all, this is in HEX, and I have to decode it to get the final results ?

    Peter Ferland

    It is in hex, and you do need to decide it to get the final results. For example, 0b indicates that a temperature reading is in the following 2 bytes. The table on the “Data packet format” page says “0.0625 Degrees C (Signed MSB)”. 0x0163 is 355 decimal, times 0x0625 is 22.1875 degrees C.

    Etienne BOURDEAU

    Ok, so if I take the pressure :

    0x05fc80(16) = 392320(10)
    The table says “0.25 kPa (Signed MSB)”.

    392320 times 0.25 is 98080.0 kPa.
    It does not feel right… or is it 98.080 kPa ?

    Thank you very much for your patience.

    Peter Ferland

    Yes, its 0.25 Pa not kPa.

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