Node RED receive message

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  • #12235
    John Li

    I’ve connected mDot to my Conduit running NodeRed, and place a debug node to display the “msg.payload”. But I received the payload type to be “buffer”, and the content cannot be displayed. The mbed code I used is the mDot_Sleep_Example on from MultiTech, and I revised the network name, password and subfreq as instructed. Is there anything wrong with my operation?

    Jason Reiss

    If you would like the content to be displayed, the lora-in node has the option to output a UTF-8 string instead of the buffer.

    John Li

    Thanks Jason for your reply. How could I output UTF-8 string in my lora node? This is the code I used, std::vector<uint8_t> data; std::string data_str = “hi”; how can I change the output into UTF-8?

    Jason Reiss

    The output is changed in Node-RED. The “lora-in” node is where packets enter the flow.

    You can either change the setting of the lora-in node to UTF-8 in Node-RED or create a function node that converts the payload from a buffer to a string.

    msg.payload = msg.payload.toString("utf8");
    return msg;
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