Network server / Loriot

Home Forums Conduit: mLinux Model Network server / Loriot

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  • #14304
    Faustin Empis


    I am running Loriot script on the multiconduit to get the data on the Loriot server
    In that case, is the multiconduit acting as the network server, or it is just a data forwarder ? Also, is the file “/var/config/lora/lora-network-server.conf” relevant, or the multiconduit won’t use this configuration ?

    One last question about maximum payload, how is it possible that I am able to send more than 51 bytes @ DR0 (SF12, Europe ISM). I am using a LoRaWAN stack on my end device.


    Jason Reiss

    Conduit is a gateway/packet forwarder when operating with Loriot network server.

    lora-network-server.conf is not used in that setup.

    Depends on the LoRaWAN stack implementation?

    Faustin Empis

    Ok thank you Jason.
    Using the IMST LoRaWAN stack, so if I can send 51@SF12 that’s because their stack authorize it, but so this is not LoRaWAN compliant ?

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