Multiconnect Condut lora card not working? help needed

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Multiconnect Condut lora card not working? help needed

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  • #20967
    Salvatore Caccamo

    Hi, we are trying to make a Multiconnect Conduit AEP gateway communicate with a Sodaq ONE node via LoRa. After configuring the Conduit (Network Server, frequency, public network, network ID, and network key) and the Sodaq One (accordingly), we are still not able to join (OTAA). How can we be sure that the Conduit’s LoRA card is working? We didn’t get any error but in “Status&Logs –> Statistics –> LoRa” the following message appears “Lora Statistics are not available. Try refreshing the page.” When we set up Node-RED for testing, every thing seems OK but nothing happens and no attempt to transmit is reported in loRa statisics. Is this normal behavior for the gateway? Your help is really appreciated. Many thanks, Salvatore

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