MQTT topics behaviour

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model MQTT topics behaviour


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  • #12512
    Jürgen Rose


    I found that page, where the MQTT topics are described:

    I’m pretty new to the whole Lora topic, so I’m not familiar with all the intricacies of the data flow.

    As far as I understand is some of the required hand shaking abstracted if I’m using the MQTT broker (instead of using the lora server directly via UDP).

    Some questions regarding the topics:

    Node joined: This is pretty clear, but there is no Node left event?

    Uplink packet received: what is the difference to Packet received?

    Packet received: what is the difference to Uplink packet received?

    Packet sent: Does that mean, this is basically an event which is triggered if one of the packates published on the /down topic has been sent out?

    Queue full: Which queue? My guess would be that packages which are pushed on the /down topic are somewhere collected and then sent out later. Is the queue persistent? How large is the queue?

    Downlink packet: what is the consequence of setting ack to true? How would that manifest on the mqtt topics? What is port?

    Clear queue: See above Queue full

    How do I know that something I pushed to a lora device has been actually received?

    Is there anything special to the data field, or is it just what I put on the network and nothing else? Would that be encrypted with the app-key (if used)?

    Two other not really related questions:

    What are the best practices to configure a fleet of Conduit boxes?

    If I install Java, then it won’t start and complain that jamvm can not be found.

    piyush s


    Did you get your queries answered ?


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