Methods to send Downlink to xDot

Home Forums mDot/xDot Methods to send Downlink to xDot

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  • #26411
    William Laing

    Good day –

    I did a bit of searching on this forum but have not been able to find additional methods to send downlink packets to the xDot (except for the using the gateway’s AEP management page: LoRaWAN -> Downlink Queue -> Add New)

    We have a number of MultiConnect Conduit and IP67 gateways all running AEP 1.4.16.

    + We were hoping there might be a REST API for transmitting downlinks to xDots?
    + We’ve tried using Node-RED to set msg.payload and send that to a LoRa out node, but that does not seem to work

    Any help appreciated.

    William Laing

    Can anyone help us here?

    We’re just trying to find out if there are additional ways to send LoRa downlink messages to an xDot.

    Thank you.

    Jason Reiss

    Conduit mPower: LoRa Communication and Node-RED

    Conduit mLinux: LoRa Communication

    MQTT Messages

    Node-red lora-out node should have doc in the right pane when the UI is activated.

    msg.payload and msg.eui can be set in the message to queue the downlink.

    MQTT message lora/EUI/down can be sent

    Command line options
    # lora-query -x help

    William Laing

    Okay, Jason, thank you very much.

    I just did a quick scan, and these look very promising.

    Very much appreciated!

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