mDot with Sparkfun, part II

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    I have an mDot on a UDK2 board, plus Sparkfun Weather Shield. The temperature/humidity/light-level all seems to work OK.

    I now am trying to integrate the Sparkfun weather station – wind speed (anemometer), wind direction (weather vane), and rain gauge – with the Weather Shield.

    I downloaded Adam Green’s “WeatherMeters” mbed project, and, after some hardware changes to the Weather Shield (native voltages were incorrect) I am able to get the direction/vane portion working (although it’s not as accurate as I’d like – I may play with a resistor value / precision; admittedly I used an old stock through-hole 10% value!).

    Anyway…the wind speed (anemometer) functionality does not work – at least the mDot and/or its code doesn’t seem to work. With the Weather Shield unplugged from the UDK2, and unpowered, using an ohm-meter I can verify that the reed relay closures generated at the anemometer are making it to the Weather Shield. However they are not being captured/read by the code.

    I moved onto the rain gauge which seems to operate similarly to the anemometer (reed relay closures) and uses similar mDot functions and while it does generate readings, once in a while the readings seem to have jumped a LOT.

    Probing the board with a DVM (no scope available ATM) I see the two digital input pins (wind speed, rain gauge) sitting at or near ground potential. I cannot see any toggling as I rotate the anemometer, or tip the rain gauge. Being a hardware guy I thought perhaps some kind of pull-up is needed, but I was unable to activate anything within the mbed code that helped.

    I would be grateful for any suggestions or ideas.



    Still looking for help…


    The rain gauge input, which works, is on PC_13.

    The wind speed input, which does NOT work, is on PA_0


    It appears the interrupts work OK, but the ticker does not. I started another thread.

    Thanks for reading.

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