mDot Receive Mode

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    Agathe Lee

    I have a mLinux Conduit with MTAC LORA card in communication with an mDot module, and I am trying to understand the ways that the Conduit can transmit to the mDot. I have put the mDot in its “Receive Continuous” mode, but it appears to only receive within a short window after sending a message (and not be in a listening mode) and it also appears to receive one message only, in spite of sending it multiple messages. Is that correct? If so, what the largest message that it can receive?
    Also, according to the mDot manual, the Receive Continuous command has an escape sequence: +++, but we were unable to exit this mode.
    Thanks for any help and insight!

    Brandon Bayer

    Hey Agathe,

    That is correct behaviour. The receive command isn’t supported because we currently only support the LoRa Class A specification. This means the Conduit can only send a packet to an mDot during one of the two receive windows the mDot opens after transmitting a packet to the Conduit.

    The mDot will receive packets with payloads of up to 255 bytes.

    Does this help?


    Agathe Lee

    Hi Brandon,

    Thanks for your answer. I had seen the warning about the two receive windows online but decided to try the command anyway just to see what happened. This seems to imply that serial data mode would have the same conflict between what the command is supposed to do and what LoRa Class A allows. Is that correct?


    Brandon Bayer

    Agathe, correct 🙂


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