mDot not responding to AT commands

Home Forums mDot/xDot mDot not responding to AT commands

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  • #19357
    Jaco Marais

    Good morning,

    I am struggling to get a mdot connected to the big development board to respond to AT commands. It does connect to my gateway based on the output of the STLink virtual comm port:

    [INFO] mDot Ready
    [INFO] Joining network…
    [INFO] Send join request RxDelay: 1 Rx1Offset: 0 Rx2Freq: 869525000 Rx2Dr: 0
    [INFO] Configure radio for TX
    [INFO] Configure radio for TX
    [INFO] Configure radio for TX
    [INFO] Configure radio for TX
    [INFO] Rx Window 1
    [INFO] Rx Window 2
    [INFO] RxDone 33 bytes RSSI: -28 dB SNR: 70 cB
    [INFO] Network joined
    [INFO] Packet RSSI: -28 dB SNR: 70 cB
    [INFO] Network Joined

    and in the comm port of my usb to serial connection with the development board it says the following:

    Joining network… Network Joined


    However when I type in AT after the “OK” nothing happens. I tried firmware versions 2.0.16 and 2.0.16-1. I have tried Putty and Tera Term with the same results. I am using 115200, 8 bit data, no parity, stop is 1 bit, no flow control.

    Any ideas?


    Dean Simonelli

    I have the same issue right now, I’ve had this problem before but I forgot how I fixed it. I believe it has something to do with the firmware not flashing correctly/not resetting properly.

    Although mine is going “Joining network…” “Network join failed” then repeat forever.

    I’ll let you know if I figure out a fix.

    Steve Kovarik

    Hi Jaco

    If you are able to issue “AT” and receive an “OK”, I would recommend issuing the command AT&F then AT&W then ATZ. Your Dot is not at factory default, it appears to be running a program or be in some mode of operation. Without knowing what mode it is in, it is harder to recover. If by chance it is in Serial Data Mode, issue +++ while holding the reset button on the Developer Board (MTUDK@-ST-MDOT) to take it out of that mode. By chance have you tried any of the mDot sample programs at

    Dean Simonelli

    Ah ha, found the problem, for me at least. I had previously flashed the Dot-Examples Auto_Ota_Example program onto the mDot. Therefore the mDot was configured into Auto-Ota mode. After flashing the mDot firmware, it does not reset this setting and therefore you don’t have control over it. It connects automatically.

    My fix: Change the Dot-Examples to the regular OTA program. Flash that onto the mDot, let it run so it configures to OTA mode. Then flash the mDot firmware back onto it. Ta dah, fixed.

    Hope that helps 🙂

    Jaco Marais

    Hi Dean,

    You were spot on! I had done the same as you and your fix worked.

    Thank you

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