MDot as SPI master and introducing delays between writes.

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  • #16167
    Ajay K

    I have two development kits based on arm processors which are mbed enabled. One of the kits is the Multitech’s mdot UDK kit and the other is the Nordics nrf52_dk.

    The mdot behaves as the SPI master and the nrf52 the SPI slave. I am using the out of box MBED SPI and SPI slave API’s to communicate between the two devices. I have managed to get the applications on both the devices to communicate over SPI.

    The Master and SPI slave, have been configured for 8 bit data, in Mode 0 with a 1MHz clock rate.

    With the MBED SPI API, in order to read a byte from slave, I need to write a byte..

    However in the SPI master (i.e. in the mdot) I have to introduce a delay as much as half a second/to almost second between each of my writes to successfully read anything from the NRF52, otherwise either I lose data that is sent from the NRF52 or it seems like NRF52 doesn’t respond to master writes.

    Is there anything I need to configure in mdot to ensure the data is transmitted without introducing delays between transmissions to receive data from nrf52 without any issues.



    Hi Ajay,

    Have you put a scope on the SPI lines to see what is happening? Does the master drive the MOSI line as expected? Does the slave drive the MISO line as expected?

    Kind regards,

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