mDot appears to have lost access to the radio

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  • #20119
    Frank A


    I have an mDot that I was previously using for a demo application running an mbed image (the application was working fine).

    Yesterday, I tried flashing the mDot again with the AT Command firmware, because I needed it to experiment with other concepts. Unfortunately, however, I haven’t been able to make it work again. I can connect to the console and issue AT commands, but when I try to connect to a network or to the Conduit, it always results in an error.

    I have reasons to believe that it has something to do with the radio not sending the packets at all.

    So I guess my question is the following: are you aware of any issues with going back and forth between “self-compiled mbed images” and the AT firmware?

    Here’s more information about what I have tried and and observed:

    – I have two mDots (one works fine with the AT firmware, but the other does not, but it used to work too).

    – With both mDots, I tried connecting (and sending packets) using several approaches: The Things Network, the pseudo-lora-network on the Conduit, my own deployment of a LoRa network stack. On all systems, with either ABP and OTAA (or the simple network on the Conduit), the mDot could not connect, while the other mDot (i.e. the one that is working fine) could connect.

    – On the Conduit, I had a quick look at the packet forwarder’s logs (i.e. tail -f /var/log/lora-pkt-fwd-1.log) while sending LoRa packets from the mDot. I could see the traffic going through for the working mDot while issuing “at+join” (or sending packets), but I was seeing nothing for the other mDot (i.e. the one with which I’m having trouble).

    I don’t know if this makes sense, but could it be that while experimenting with my own mbed images I could have accidentally accessed and modified some hardware features whose configurations persist after reinstalling the AT firmware, but which the AT image gives me no access to?

    Thank you very much for your time and support. A+


    Jason Reiss

    Try AT&F to reset the dot to factory configuration. The reconfigure the dot to connect.

    Use AT+PN=1 to connect to public network like TTN.

    Frank A

    Hello again,

    I would like to withdraw my question, if possible.

    I tried it again this morning and everything works fine. The only logical explanation here is that I was working too late last night. 🙂

    I apologize for waisting your time.

    Thank you very much for your time and support. A+ 🙂


    Frank A

    Hello Jason,

    I had not seen your answer before posting a second time. 🙂 But thank you for your quick response!

    at+pn=1 might indeed have been what was causing my problem. I was using at+pn=0, but my packet forwarder configuration file had "lorawan_public": true. I don’t why it didn’t work last night using the Conduit network however, but it is very likely that I was too tired to work on that and I simply missed something(s). 🙂

    Once again, thank you very much for your time and support. Have a great day. A+


    Jason Reiss

    No problem Frank. We’ve all been there.

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