ID : 1 sms not sending to cell

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  • #2604
    mohammad Siddiqui


    I have sent sms through HTTP Send API Request and got ID : 1 , how to resolve that problem because sms is not sending

    Here is my code :

    URLAddress = “”

    oHTTP = CreateObject(“MSXML2.XMLHTTP”)

    oHTTP.Open(“GET”, URLAddress, .f.)


    mResult = oHTTP.ResponseText

    Please Guide me what s wrong with my code or something missing on it ?



    Bryan Tran

    Hi Mohammad,

    Can you web into the device and go to Statistic&Logs -> live log and see what error you have got ? May be it will give you a clues.



    mohammad Siddiqui


    SIM Status Disabled – No SIM

    Signal Strength 24

    Messages in Inbox 0

    Messages Sent 0

    Rate of Sent Messages 0

    Rate of Received Messages 0

    Please check this and reply me

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Mohammad,

    1. Can you check your SIM and see if it is inserted in ?

    2. You can also telnet into the iSMS device on port 5000 and type in:

    AT+CPIN? <–Check to see if the SIM is inserted correctly. If it is then you should get a +CPIN:Ready.

    AT+CSQ <–Check the signal quality

    AT+CREG? <–Check to see if it is registering to home or roam.

    AT+CMGF=1 <–Turn on text mode.


    *After you hit Enter Key, you will get: ‘>’ prompt, then type in your sms message then to send it, you must do ctr+z.

    For example,

    >This is your message[ctr+z]

    3. If it is still not working for you, I suggest take out the SIM and put it in your cell phone and try it out and verify it if you can send the sms message with that SIM. Or you can try to plug in a different SIM to the iSMS device and see if it helps.



    mohammad Siddiqui

    Thanks its Working Now ..

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