Hi, I’m using 2.5.1 of the lora-network-server package on an mLinux conduit, and I don’t get any CFList in my JoinAccept replies to the end devices. As I’m in US915 this means the end device won’t know which sub-band the conduit is setup for, so the first uplink will go to any of the 64 channels and thus in most cases will get lost.
Eventually the packet accidentally goes to the proper sub-band and after that the following ADR downlink will include a channel list and everything’s fine, but it causes a long delay after the join.
I understand the JoinAccept CFList was added in LoRaWAN 1.0.3+. Is there some magic setting on the lora-network-server to get it to assume all devices are 1.0.3 and thus include the CFList response?