How to get the JoinAccept reply to include a CFList?

Home Forums Lora Network Server How to get the JoinAccept reply to include a CFList?

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  • #32661
    Thomas Hermansson

    Hi, I’m using 2.5.1 of the lora-network-server package on an mLinux conduit, and I don’t get any CFList in my JoinAccept replies to the end devices. As I’m in US915 this means the end device won’t know which sub-band the conduit is setup for, so the first uplink will go to any of the 64 channels and thus in most cases will get lost.

    Eventually the packet accidentally goes to the proper sub-band and after that the following ADR downlink will include a channel list and everything’s fine, but it causes a long delay after the join.

    I understand the JoinAccept CFList was added in LoRaWAN 1.0.3+. Is there some magic setting on the lora-network-server to get it to assume all devices are 1.0.3 and thus include the CFList response?


    Jason Reiss

    Checkout this command to see how to create a device profile.
    $ lora-query -x help

    Then assign to an existing device record or whitelist entry.

    Thomas Hermansson

    Do you mean the lorawan_version device stuff? The doc is inconsistent with the “-x devices” or “-x device list json” lists, which don’t show any lorawan_version key for any device.

    Also it’s a bit late to set the lorawan version per device *after* a device has joined – by then the JoinAccept has already been sent out.. Is there no way to get the lora-network-server to treat *all* joining devices as “modern” devices?

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