How to determine if SIM card installed

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    William Laing

    various Conduit models
    various firmware levels

    Good Day –

    Is there a way to determine if a SIM card is installed from software (i.e. mts-io-sysfs, Node-RED, REST API, etc.)?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


    Jeff Hatch

    Hello Wiliam,

    Here’s some C++ example code that detects the card on the current mPower devices:

    const char * const MEDIACARDDIRMLINUX3 = "/media/card";
    const char * const MEDIACARDDIRMLINUX4 = "/run/media/mmcblk0p1";
    const char * const PROCMOUNTS = "/proc/mounts";
    bool isSDCardInserted()
        std::ifstream procMounts(PROCMOUNTS);
        std::string line;
        if (!procMounts.good())
            return false;
            std::getline(procMounts, line);
            //std::cout << line << std::endl;
            std::size_t found = line.find(MEDIACARDDIRMLINUX3);
            std::size_t found4 = line.find(MEDIACARDDIRMLINUX4);
            if ((found != std::string::npos) || (found4 != std::string::npos))
                return true;
        return false;

    It’s really just using /proc/mounts and looking for the right string for the media card mount. Probably could be done in a shell script in the same amount of code or less.


    William Laing

    That’s perfect, Jeff, thank you! Just what we need …

    Have a great day!


    Jeff Hatch


    Wait! The above is for SD card. Sorry about my misunderstanding your question. There are AT commands that are available to detect the SIM. One way to do it on an mPower is to use the radio-query utility:

    root@mtcap:/home/admin# radio-query –sim-status
    “isSimInserted” : false

    It returns whether the SIM is inserted/detected. This is an abstracted higher level implementation that works for all the radios supported by mPower software. To do this for a Quectel or Telit radio specifically implemented on your own it is different.

    For Quectel you would use the “AT+QSIMSTAT?” command and parse its output.

    For Telit you would use the “AT#SIMDET?” command and parse its output.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Jeff Hatch.
    William Laing

    Thanks, Jeff, no worries – I hadn’t begun designing/coding yet.

    Yes, AT commands make a lot of sense.

    Have a great day!



    Glad to know more about it. I’m a newbie here. I didn’t know how to determine if a sim card installed. But after reading your guidelines I got useful info. Thanks!

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