HEX formatted downlink payload from Node-RED

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model HEX formatted downlink payload from Node-RED

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  • #27569


    we are currently trying to implement a downlink flow from node-red to a device thatn only accepts (closed firmware) HEX commands (Dragino LT-33222-L) but we can’t get it to work on node-red since it only allows for string and buffer for output data and not HEX. i’ve already tried sending the payload via the downlink queue on the AEP GUI and it does work properly but i want to implement it on node to be able to query some variables via MQTT and based on that create the needed payload.

    is there any way to send HEX payloads using this node?

    Jason Reiss

    The lora-out node will accept a buffer or a UTF string.

    var data = new Buffer("010203", "hex");
    var msg = { 
    "eui": "1122334455667788",
    "payload": data
    return msg;

    Thanks, it works!! but do not queue too many downlink messages, device kinda bogs down! had to implement some flow control to be able to make it work properly.

    Also, the EUI format is wrong on the documentation of the lora-out node, it says that eui must be sent as follows:


    and the correct way to do it is as you said:


    best regards.

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