FTP, Node red, text files and the conduit

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    I downloaded and installed a node called node-red-contrib-ftp in order to be able to upload data to a ftp server. However, I am not sure how it works with the gateway. So a few questions:

    1. How would you access the files on the conduit? For example I have a text file that is can be seen in the / directory when accessing the conduit via SSH
    2. Are there other places to store the files – ie can I make a directory?
    3. Are there other ways to upload a file from the conduit to a ftp server that you know of?
    4. If someone knows how to use this node – please assist
    5. If I connect inject — ftp — debug and press inject I get an error that says connection to server lost and then I have to restart node-red each time to get it working again.
    6. I assumed that the text files one creates in node red are stored on the conduit right? But where exactly and how does it work?

    Any advice is welcome

    Jeff Hatch

    1. How would you access the files on the conduit? For example I have a text file that is can be seen in the / directory when accessing the conduit via SSH

    Depending on what you are trying to do, there is a file node under the Storage nodes on Node-RED. I am not familiar with the FTP node you mention, but there should be online documentation on its usage.

    2. Are there other places to store the files – ie can I make a directory?

    One way to create a directory would be to run a system command to execute a mkdir.

    3. Are there other ways to upload a file from the conduit to a ftp server that you know of?

    There is an ftp client on the Conduit in /usr/bin/ftp that might be used. Also, scp is available to use SSH to copy a file to a remote location.

    6. I assumed that the text files one creates in node red are stored on the conduit right? But where exactly and how does it work?

    I am not sure where they are getting put. If you know the name of the file, you could do a “find . -name “name_of_file” -print from the / directory to see where it got put.



    Thank you for the explanations! I ran the ftp command from the terminal and now I understand a lot better how the conduit handles the node red information and ftp site.

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