Dragonfly MTQ-LAT3 TCP sample code issue

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    I used online compiler and compiled TCP sample code for Dragonfly MTQ-LAT3 modem.
    When I used screen in Ubuntu and check /dev/ttyACM0 I found it continued showing “radio not registered”. It seems it stuck around very beginning when it created the radio object.

    The code is as the following:

    // This example program will make a cellular connection, open a TCP socket then
    // send and receive data on the socket. After transmission, it will close
    // the socket and disconnect the cellular connection.
    // ** Configure the apn[] value below for MTQ-H5 or MTQ-LAT3 radios.
    // ** INTERVAL sets the number of seconds between repeated cycles of this example.

    #include “mbed.h”
    #include “MTSCellularInterface.h”
    #include “MTSLog.h”
    #include “example_config.h”


    // Dragonfly debug port.
    Serial debug_port(USBTX, USBRX);

    #define INTERVAL 30

    int main(){
    //Sets the log level to INFO, higher log levels produce more log output.
    //Possible levels: NONE, FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, DEBUG and TRACE.
    //For the Dragonfly, installed on the UDK 2.0 board, messages are output on the
    // UDK 2.0 USB port “COMxx: STMicroelectronics STLink Virtual COM port (xx)”
    // at 9600bps.
    //Sets the debug port to 115200bps.

    // Create an MTSCellularInterface object. Serial pins for the Dragonfly board that connect
    // to the on board cellular radio:
    // RADIO_TX = pin PC_7, RADIO_RX = pin PC_6
    MTSCellularInterface *radio = new MTSCellularInterface(RADIO_TX, RADIO_RX);

    // Print the MTSCellularInterface version
    logInfo(“MTSCellularInterface Version %s”, radio->get_library_version().c_str());

    //Modify to match your apn if you are using the MTQ-H5 or MTQ-LAT3.
    const char apn[] = “internet.telia.iot”;

    // Basic HTTP request.
    std::string request = “GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: developer.mbed.org\r\n\r\n”;

    int cycle_count = 1;

    while (true) {
    logInfo(“——– CYCLE #%d ——–\r\n”, cycle_count++);
    logWarning(“radio not registered, try again in 2s”);

    Timer tmr; //mbed Timer has a 30 minute maximum timeout.
    while (radio->connect(apn) != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
    logWarning(“Radio did not connect”);
    while (tmr.read() < 30); //make sure we wait at least 30s.

    // Show the network address
    const char *ip = radio->get_ip_address();
    logInfo(“IP address is: %s\n”, ip ? ip : “No IP”);

    // Open a socket on the network interface, and create a TCP connection to mbed.org
    TCPSocket socket;

    // Open a socket on the network interface.
    if (socket.open(radio) != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
    logWarning(“socket did not open”);

    // Make a socket connection.
    if (socket.connect(“developer.mbed.org”, 80) != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
    logWarning(“socket did not connect”);

    // Send tcp data
    int scount = socket.send(request.c_str(), request.size());
    logInfo(“sent %d bytes: %s”, scount, request.c_str());

    // Recieve and print. Give a couple seonds to receive.
    int size = 512;
    char rbuffer[size];
    memset(rbuffer, 0, size);
    bool got_data = false;
    Timer rcv_timer;
    do {
    int rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, size-1); //leave room for a null character
    if (rcount > 0) {
    got_data = true;
    while (rcount > 0) {
    logInfo(“recv %d bytes: %s”, rcount, rbuffer);
    memset(rbuffer, 0, size);
    rcount = socket.recv(rbuffer, size-1);
    } while (rcv_timer < 2 && !got_data);

    // Close the socket to return its memory and bring down the network interface


    logInfo(“waiting %d seconds\r\n”, INTERVAL);



    Thanks for your help!



    Hello, please kindly help regarding this radio no registered issue.

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