Downlink data with lora-network-server 1.0.43

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Downlink data with lora-network-server 1.0.43

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  • #23041
    Mikael Grah

    We’ve upgraded the network-lora-server on two of our gateways to 1.0.43-r0.0. The Node-Red App running sends a downlink message to the connected nodes (using mDot).

    Using the “old” firmware (1.0.31-r1.0) the downlink message is received correctly by the mDot (e.g. “t=5521”) but with the newer firmware it looks like the downlink message is in binary mode.

    I suspect this is configurable, but I have not been able to find out how to configure the newer firmware downlink message type. Is it possible?

    Rolling back the firmware to 1.0.31-r1.0 gets the messages back to the same format again.

    We have not upgraded any of the other packages, the currently installed firmware of the Conduit is 1.4.3.

    Jason Reiss

    Can you provide examples of the behavior?
    Perhaps it is the first downlink of MAC commands, this is seen on mDot 2.0.16 firmware.

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