converting INT to Vector – sending data

Home Forums mDot/xDot converting INT to Vector – sending data

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  • #12429
    Eric Tsai

    It seems like all the mDot LoRa examples are sending static strings to the gateway. They all send this:

    std::string data_str = "hello!";

    How do you send data rather than static strings? Say, an int counter? I tried adding this code to the <mDot_LoRa_Connect_Example>, but I got empty payloads.

    int32_t myCounter = 1;
    std::vector<uint8_t> data;
    data.push_back(myCounter >> 8);
    data.push_back(myCounter >> 16);
    data.push_back(myCounter >> 24);

    [TRACE] MIC: cf1b4c3d RX_MIC: cf1b4c3d
    [INFO] ACK Received
    [TRACE] Empty payload
    [INFO] successfully sent data to gateway

    Eventually, I’d like to be able to assemble a JSON formatted LoRa packet with all the sensor data on the mDot, which would require concatenating strings and INT and floats. But as a step one, I’m looking at just converting a single int.

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