Conduit LoRaWan downlink frequncies public vs. private

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Conduit LoRaWan downlink frequncies public vs. private

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  • #16800
    Anthony Corriveau

    I understand that in LoRaWan private mode the Conduit uses downlink frequencies different than the LoRaWan spec.

    Is there some documentation somewhere about the MultiTech LoRaWan “sub-band” setting and how it affects the downlink channels in private mode?

    I found this somewhere, looking for more information:

    Private mode uses (non-LoRaWAN)
    downlink channel = uplink channel / 8

    Where as public mode uses (LoRAWAN)
    downlink channel = uplink channel % 8

    Peter Ferland

    In the US 915 band there are 64 uplink channels. The Conduit’s MTAC-LORA cards can listen to 8 channels at a time yielding 8 unique subbands. There are 8 downlink channels. The downlink channel used after an uplink is based on the uplink channel, dividing by 8 for private mode and modulo 8 for public mode.

    For example, if a Conduit with a MTAC-LORA card is configured to listen on US sub band 1 it is listening on LoRa channels 0-7. If it received a LoRa packet on channel 3 it would respond on downlink channel 0 in private mode and channel 3 in public mode.

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