Cellular usage accuracy

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Cellular usage accuracy

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  • #18086
    Heath Raftery

    I have a Conduit running with a Public IP SIM providing the WAN connection. ssh and web access is on, protected by password. Node-RED access is disabled.

    Whenever I check the statistics via the web interface or the REST api, it reports >100MB tx for days in a row. It seems suspicious though – the graph seems to look the same even when I come back days later. Only the dates change. Also, the tx number is always bigger than the rx number.

    The only thing in the messages log is lots of failed login attempts to the ssh port and the occasional cron outputs.

    Could the Conduit really be uploading 100 megabytes a day? How can I investigate further?

    Peter Ferland

    Can you run iftop (opkg install iftop) for a while on the conduit in a terminal session and see if anything jumps out?

    Heath Raftery

    Great tool, thanks!

    Have been running for a couple of hours. Nothing too surprising yet. Average (excluding the ssh connection used to run iftop) is 0.9kb/s (405kB/hour, 9.5MB/day). Maybe 25% of that is Node-RED uploading processed LoRa events. The rest seems to be an idle ssh connection I have open, regular brute-force attempts on http and ssh, and regular dyndns lookups.

    Doesn’t take much to add up to many MB per day.

    Will continue to monitor.

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