Can't Upgrade Firmware

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Can't Upgrade Firmware

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  • #15412
    Shmuel Branover

    I am trying to upgrade the firmware from 1.2.2 to 1.3.2 but it is not working. I go through all the steps and I don’t receive any error messages but when the gateway reboots it still running 1.2.2.

    Jeff Hatch


    I’m assuming that you are using the Web UI upgrade and haven’t gotten the jffs2 and kernel images from somewhere.

    How full is the root filesystem on the device? I have seen instances on upgrades in the past where if the API process or lighttpd process cannot allocate enough memory for the download of the upgrade file it will appear to silently fail. The failure will show up in the logs, but the reboot clears out all the logs so we lose any record of the failure.


    Shmuel Branover

    Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for your help.

    I am using the web UI for the upgrade and it has previously worked when I upgraded to 1.2.2.

    As you can see bellow it seems that the root file system is using only 32% of the available memory.

    admin@mtcdt:~# df
    Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root 237568 75564 162004 32% /
    devtmpfs 127144 8 127136 0% /dev
    tmpfs 127220 404 126816 0% /run
    tmpfs 127220 436 126784 0% /var/volatile
    /dev/mtdblock6 8192 632 7560 8% /var/config
    /dev/mtdblock7 8192 512 7680 6% /var/oem

    Jeff Hatch


    Could you capture a “tail -f /var/log/messages” to a file either using a terminal program or “tail -f /var/log/messages > /var/config/upgrade.log” during an upgrade attempt. Then file a Multitech Support Portal case at and attach the captured logging to the case?

    I would like to see what the logs are saying during the upgrade attempt. I have not heard of this type of thing happening much since we fixed a memory leak in the Conduit API back on 1.2.1.


    Shmuel Branover

    Hi Jeff,

    Once again thanks for your help.

    Looking over the log I noticed that the conduit was trying to connect to the cellular network during the firmware upgrade, this could be due to the fact that the SIM card in the conduit was deactivated. Once I disabled the cellular connection on the Conduit the upgrade worked without a problem.

    I mistakenly wrote over the original log but if you’d like to troubleshoot further I can recreate the configuration and generate a new log.


    Jeff Hatch


    Don’t worry about recreating for our sake. Thank you for posting what you found and what fixed your problem for other people to reference. I’m sure this has happened to other people, and it gives people another possible fix when this type of thing happens.



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