AEP Max number of packets per MDot & Clearing packets.

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model AEP Max number of packets per MDot & Clearing packets.

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  • #14280
    Ajay K

    In an earlier forum thread there was a discussion on the maximum number of packets per node that the AEP maintains and it seems like it is configurable as well. My follow up questions are as follows:

    1) If a node (MDot) is at a spread factor, such as only max of ‘X’ bytes can be transmitted to it or received from it, when the Conduit sends packets to MDot, is there a feature in the conduit to chunk packets together so upto a maximum of ‘X’ bytes are transmitted, so as to reduce the number of downlinks? If not what what would be the easiest way to accomplish this via Node-Red?

    2) Sometimes there may be a scenario, where the downlink transmissions are not occurring and messages are stacked up, is there a way to purge these messages headed for a specific node, as there may be newer packets with the latest data and the earlier data queued is stale?


    Jason Reiss

    Combining packets is not a feature of the network server.

    A clear message can be sent via MQTT to the network server.

    Ajay K

    Hi Jason,

    Can you point me to any documentation as to how I would achieve sending an MQTT message to the network server from Node-Red flow? I see the details based of the link you sent, however I am not familiar with the MQTT node or how the protocol works.


    Jason Reiss
    Ajay K

    Thanks Jason for the quick response. I am guessing the MQTT input and output nodes in node-red will help me with the same thing that was achieved in the link related to the mLinux version, where the sample code subscribes to the MQTT broker and sends and receives messages from the LORA network server?


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