LoRa – US Limits

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  • #11720
    Roman Ploskon


    could you please provide me further details so I would be able to understand practical limits applicable for LoRa network within US bands.


    page above states that data rates for US are from 1 to 12.5 kbps. However mDot specification states as theoretical maximum speed 21.9 kbps. Which one is correct? Is it possible to send data at SF=7 @ 500kHz?

    Regarding to the 400 ms maximum dwell time. Could I transmit theoretically continuously messages if their transmit duration would be less than 400 ms?

    Thank you.

    Jason Reiss

    The Transmit datarates take into account waiting for rx windows in LoRaWAN.

    In the LoRaWAN protocol a device cannot transmit until it has received a downlink packet or both rx windows expire.

    The highest uplink datarate in LoRaWAN for US is SF8BW500.

    Regarding the dwell time. You will need to hop channels between packets for 400 ms average dwell time of a period of time relative to the number of frequencies.

    Roman Ploskon

    thank you for your reply. Isn’t that frequency hopping automatically done by mDot for me? Or do I need to manualy change frequencies between packets?

    Mike Fiore


    Yes, the frequency hopping is done for you.


    Roman Ploskon

    Does the command AT+TXN have any meaning for US? Could I use that command to check for expiration of second rx window?

    Mike Fiore


    AT+TXN always returns 0 in the 915 frequency band.


    Roman Ploskon

    thank you. And what about AT+TXW? How the settings (on or off) affects behaviour of mDot expecially when acknowledgment is disabled?

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