Export to EmBitz

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  • #11212
    Howard Bray

    We have just attempted to export an mDot project from the online compiler to EmBitz and it has all sorts of problems.
    Can anyone please advise what version GCC we should be using, what/how the mBed libraries were built and what of the gazillian opions and settings we should have selected in EmBitz (V0.42)



    Mike Fiore

    Hi Howard,
    I don’t know much about the EmBitz toolchain, but I don’t think it’s likely to work at the moment. The only toolchains we’re officially supporting right now are the mbed online compiler (which uses ARMCC), and the offline mbed SDK (ARMCC or GCC_ARM). We have a wiki page about using the offline mbed sdk for your reference:



    Howard Bray

    Hi Mike

    thanks for the reply.

    Can you please advise which version of GCC that’s on the wiki page we should use and can you suggest the build options? We plan to use a ST-Link with the design and would *really* like to use the emBitz enviroment.

    Many thanks


    PS EmBitz is the new name for EmBlocks.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Howard Bray.
    Mike Fiore

    The two version of GCC linked from the wiki page are builds for Windows or Linux, so you would grab whichever one is appropriate for your OS.

    Unfortunately, the short answer is that we don’t support the EmBitz toolchain right now. If you want to use an IDE environment for your development, I suggest using the mbed online compiler.


    Howard Bray

    Hi again

    Back onto this problem ….

    Can you tell me what is the compiler that sits behind the online IDE? More specifically, what are the option settings?
    We can now get a successful build, however the .bin file is about 30K smaller that what the online version creates and – more importantly – it doesn’t work. The Bootloader does it’s thing and then the unit does nothing. The feeling is that it’s either some optimization issue that’s got memory mapping confused, or there’s something missing from the linker.

    Any advice or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


    Mike Fiore


    I’m not sure exactly what version of Keil tools are being used in the online compiler. You might be able to find out by posting a question on mbed. I heard ARMCC v5.06 in a different conversation with somebody at ARM, but I can’t guarantee that’s correct. It would be better to ask them directly.

    I wouldn’t expect your binary built with a different toolchain to be exactly the same size as the binary you get from the online compiler. Your version probably doesn’t have our bootloader prepended to it, while the version from the online compiler does.

    There is a “verbose” checkbox towards the bottom right of the online compiler page when you have a program selected. If you check that before you compile an choose “compile all” you should see all the debug output from the compiler and linker. You should be able to see what options, etc are being used from that output.


    Howard Bray

    G’day Mike

    Many thanks for that. Very helpful.



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