Denwis La

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  • in reply to: mDot sleep behavior with online and offline compilers #23848
    Denwis La
    <code>mbed-os (#fc1836545dcc, tags: mbed-os-5.4.7, mbed_lib_rev144)
      * mbed-os-5.1.0
      * mbed-os-5.1.1
      * mbed-os-5.1.2
      * mbed-os-5.1.3
      * mbed-os-5.1.4
      * mbed-os-5.1.5
      * mbed-os-5.2.0
      * mbed-os-5.2.1
      * mbed-os-5.2.2
      * mbed-os-5.2.3
      * mbed-os-5.3.0
      * mbed-os-5.3.1
      * mbed-os-5.3.2
      * mbed-os-5.3.3
      * mbed-os-5.3.4
      * mbed-os-5.3.5
      * mbed-os-5.3.6
      * mbed-os-5.4.0
      * mbed-os-5.4.1
      * mbed-os-5.4.2
      * mbed-os-5.4.3
      * mbed-os-5.4.4
      * mbed-os-5.4.5
      * mbed-os-5.4.6
      * mbed-os-5.4.7  <- current</code>

    Is what it shows when I check which mbed-os I’m on with mbed releases.
    And with git describe –match mbed-os* within mbed-os directory it gives the same version as well: mbed-os-5.4.7.
    <code> [mbed] C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.9 2015q3\bin </code>
    Is what I get when I use command mbed config GCC_ARM_PATH.

    in reply to: mDot sleep behavior with online and offline compilers #23829
    Denwis La

    It also didn’t work without modification. I tried the dot->sleep(time, mDOT::RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT, false) function by itself and it also didn’t wake up when compiled with the offline compiler.

    in reply to: mDot sleep behavior with online and offline compilers #23827
    Denwis La

    sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(deep_sleep, sleep_interval); is modified from the original, yes. Only difference is that variable sleep_interval lets you choose how long the mDot will sleep.

    void sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(bool deepsleep, uint32_t time) {
    // in some frequency bands we need to wait until another channel is available before transmitting again
    // wait at least 10s between transmissions
    //uint32_t delay_s = dot->getNextTxMs() / 1000;
    uint32_t delay_s = time;
    // if (delay_s < SLEEP_TIME ) {
    // delay_s = SLEEP_TIME ;
    // }

    if (deepsleep) {
    // for mDot, XBEE_DIO7 pin is the only pin that can wake the processor from deepsleep
    // it is automatically configured when INTERRUPT or RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT is the wakeup source and deepsleep is true in the mDot::sleep call
    } else {
    // configure XBEE_DIO7 pin as the pin that will wake the mDot from low power modes
    // other pins can be confgured instead: XBEE_DIO2-6, XBEE_DI8, XBEE_DIN

    logInfo("%ssleeping %lus or until interrupt on %s pin", deepsleep ? "deep" : "", delay_s, deepsleep ? "DIO7" : mDot::pinName2Str(dot->getWakePin()).c_str());

    logInfo("application will %s after waking up", deepsleep ? "execute from beginning" : "resume");

    // lowest current consumption in sleep mode can only be achieved by configuring IOs as analog inputs with no pull resistors
    // the library handles all internal IOs automatically, but the external IOs are the application's responsibility
    // certain IOs may require internal pullup or pulldown resistors because leaving them floating would cause extra current consumption
    // for xDot: UART_*, I2C_*, SPI_*, GPIO*, WAKE
    // for mDot: XBEE_*, USBTX, USBRX, PB_0, PB_1
    // steps are:
    // * save IO configuration
    // * configure IOs to reduce current consumption
    // * sleep
    // * restore IO configuration
    if (! deepsleep) {
    logInfo("Save IO configuration\n\r\n\r");
    // save the GPIO state.

    // configure GPIOs for lowest current

    // go to sleep/deepsleep and wake using the RTC alarm after delay_s seconds or rising edge of configured wake pin (only the WAKE pin in deepsleep)
    // whichever comes first will wake the xDot

    dot->sleep(delay_s, mDot::RTC_ALARM_OR_INTERRUPT, deepsleep);

    if (! deepsleep) {
    // restore the GPIO state.
    logInfo("Restore IO configuration");

    in reply to: mDot sleep behavior with online and offline compilers #23822
    Denwis La

    #include <mbed.h>
    #include <algorithm>
    #include <sstream>
    #include "dot_util.h"
    #include "RadioEvent.h"
    #include "Device.h"
    #include "SoftI2C.h"
    #include "SPDF.h"

    // -------------------- DOT LIBRARY REQUIRED ------------------------------//
    // * Because these example programs can be used for both mDot and xDot //
    // devices, the LoRa stack is not included. The libmDot library should //
    // be imported if building for mDot devices. The libxDot library //
    // should be imported if building for xDot devices. //
    // * //
    // * //
    // * //
    // * //

    // * these options must match the settings on your gateway //
    // * edit their values to match your configuration //
    // * frequency sub band is only relevant for the 915 bands //
    // * either the network name and passphrase can be used or //
    // the network ID (8 bytes) and KEY (16 bytes) //
    static std::string network_name = "networkname";
    static std::string network_passphrase = "networkpass";
    //static uint8_t network_id[] = { 0x6C, 0x4E, 0xEF, 0x66, 0xF4, 0x79, 0x86, 0xA6 };
    //static uint8_t network_key[] = { 0x1F, 0x33, 0xA1, 0x70, 0xA5, 0xF1, 0xFD, 0xA0, 0xAB, 0x69, 0x7A, 0xAE, 0x2B, 0x95, 0x91, 0x6B };
    static uint8_t frequency_sub_band = 7;
    static bool public_network = false;
    static uint8_t ack = 1;
    static bool adr = true;
    uint32_t sleep_interval = 20; /* Sleep interval in seconds */

    // deepsleep consumes slightly less current than sleep
    // in sleep mode, IO state is maintained, RAM is retained, and application will resume after waking up
    // in deepsleep mode, IOs float, RAM is lost, and application will start from beginning after waking up
    // if deep_sleep == true, device will enter deepsleep mode
    static bool deep_sleep = false;

    mDot* dot = NULL;
    lora::ChannelPlan* plan = NULL;

    Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); /* Terminal communication */
    DigitalOut enable_pin(PB_1); /* d0 Pin */
    DigitalOut v12_24_pin(PB_0); /* d1 pin */
    DigitalOut shdn_pin(PA_11); /* Shutdown pin */
    DigitalIn din3_pin(PA_1); /* No changes */
    DigitalIn wkup_pin(PA_0); /* No changes */

    // Initialize I2C
    SoftI2C i2c(I2C_SDA /*PC_9*/ , I2C_SCL /*PA_8*/);

    /* Create SPI device for the ADC device, ADS1018 */

    /* Create SPI block device for Flash Memory */
    SPIFBlockDevice sfdp(SPI1_MOSI, SPI1_MISO, SPI1_SCK, PC_13);
    SPDF flashMem(&sfdp, &spi, &pc); /* Create flash mem */

    /* Create ADC device */
    DigitalOut adc_cs(PA_4);
    Device adc(&spi,&adc_cs);

    /* Main */
    int main() {

    // Serial datarate

    // Custom event handler for automatically displaying RX data
    RadioEvent events;

    /* The SPI/ADC interface operates in SPI mode 1 [POL = 0,PHA = 1]*/


    plan = new lora::ChannelPlan_US915();


    dot = mDot::getInstance(plan);

    // attach the custom events handler

    if (!dot->getStandbyFlag()) {
    logInfo("mbed-os library version: %d", MBED_LIBRARY_VERSION);

    // start from a well-known state
    logInfo("defaulting Dot configuration");

    // make sure library logging is turned on

    // update configuration if necessary
    // in AUTO_OTA mode the session is automatically saved, so saveNetworkSession and restoreNetworkSession are not needed
    if (dot->getJoinMode() != mDot::AUTO_OTA) {
    logInfo("changing network join mode to AUTO_OTA");
    if (dot->setJoinMode(mDot::AUTO_OTA) != mDot::MDOT_OK) {
    logError("failed to set network join mode to AUTO_OTA");
    // in OTA and AUTO_OTA join modes, the credentials can be passed to the library as a name and passphrase or an ID and KEY
    // only one method or the other should be used!
    // network ID = crc64(network name)
    // network KEY = cmac(network passphrase)
    update_ota_config_name_phrase(network_name, network_passphrase, frequency_sub_band, public_network, ack);
    //update_ota_config_id_key(network_id, network_key, frequency_sub_band, public_network, ack);

    // configure network link checks
    // network link checks are a good alternative to requiring the gateway to ACK every packet and should allow a single gateway to handle more Dots
    // check the link every count packets
    // declare the Dot disconnected after threshold failed link checks
    // for count = 3 and threshold = 5, the Dot will ask for a link check response every 5 packets and will consider the connection lost if it fails to receive 3 responses in a row
    update_network_link_check_config(3, 5);

    // enable or disable Adaptive Data Rate

    // save changes to configuration
    logInfo("saving configuration");
    if (!dot->saveConfig()) {
    logError("failed to save configuration");

    // display configuration

    while (true) {

    std::vector<uint8_t> tx_data;

    /* Perform I2C communication with device */

    // join network if not joined
    if (!dot->getNetworkJoinStatus()) {
    /* Read from sensors, send to the gateway, and save onto an external flash with SPI*/

    sleep_wake_rtc_or_interrupt(deep_sleep, sleep_interval); /* From dot_util header */

    return 0;

    in reply to: Create text file in on-board memory #22929
    Denwis La

    I’ve opted to try to use an SD card for my application. With mbed’s sd-driver library, I’m experiencing troubles performing sd initialization with its init() function and mount() from their FATfilesystem. I was advised on the mbed forums that maybe it is due to a spi frequency problem. What happens is that it takes forever, and mostly never, finishes the init() or mount() function.

    The SDblock device instance is at default 100kHz. I’m trying to find what the mDot’s minimum SPI ferquency is so that I can adjust it in its definition, however I am having trouble finding it, unless it is 96MHz(?). And so I don’t know what or where to look on how to resolve my problem.

    SDBlockDevice sd(D11, D12, D13, D10); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs
    FATFileSystem fs("sd"); 
    if(sd.init() == 0)
            pc.printf("Init success \n\r");
        else pc.printf("Init failed \n\r");
        int err = fs.mount(&sd);
        pc.printf("%s\r\n", (err ? "Failed :(\r\n" : "OK\r\n"));
        if (err)
            return err;
        pc.printf("Error for mounting was %d\n\r", err);
        // Open the file.
        pc.printf("Opening file '/sd/mytest/sdtest.txt'... ");
        fp = fopen("/sd/mytest/sdtest.txt", "w+");
        pc.printf("%s\r\n", (!fp ? "Failed :(\r\n" : "OK\r\n"));
        if (!fp)
            // Check whether directory '/sd/mytest' exists.
            pc.printf("\r\nChecking directory '/sd/mytest'...\r\n");
            struct stat info;
            err = mystat("/sd/mytest", &info);
            if (err)
                pc.printf("Directory '/sd/mytest' does not exist.\r\n");
                pc.printf("Trying to create it...");
                err = mkdir("/sd/mytest", 0777);
                pc.printf("%s\r\n", (err ? "Failed :(\r\n" : "OK\r\n"));
                if (err)
                  return err;
            // Create a new 'sdtest.txt' file.
            pc.printf("File not found, creating a new one...\r\n");
            fp = fopen("/sd/mytest/sdtest.txt", "w+");
            pc.printf("%s\r\n", (!fp ? "Failed :(" : "OK"));
            if (!fp)
                error("error: %s (%d)\r\n", strerror(errno), -errno);
                return errno;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            pc.printf("Writing numbers (%d/%d)... ", i, 10);
            err = fprintf(fp, "    %d\r\n", i);
            if (err < 0)
                pc.printf("Fail :(\r\n");
                error("error: %s (%d)\r\n", strerror(errno), -errno);
        pc.printf("Writing numbers (%d/%d)... OK\r\n\r\n", 10, 10);
        err = fclose(fp);
        pc.printf("Closing file '/sd/mytest/sdtest.txt'... ");
        pc.printf("%s\r\n", (err ? "Failed :(\r\n" : "OK\r\n"));
        if (err)
          return err;
        return 0;
    in reply to: Create text file in on-board memory #22669
    Denwis La

    Update: Creating the files is working now. I tried implementing the functions in another program and it worked. I’m unsure as to why, when I imported the example and upload its bin file, it gives that error.

    Another question, is it possible to see the created file in the same location as the DETAILS.TXT file on the mDot at default? I would like to be able to open the file from computer rather than from code.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Create text file in on-board memory #22547
    Denwis La

    Yes. Both binaries produce this message for me.

    in reply to: Create text file in on-board memory #22545
    Denwis La

    I compiled it as is and in my own project.
    They compile successfully. When I upload the binary and reset is when I get the faulhard message.

    in reply to: Create text file in on-board memory #22543
    Denwis La

    Thank you for the examples.

    Realized that the reason that I was getting those identifier errors was due to me not including the dot-> part.

    When I implement these examples I get none of the printf statements in my terminal and instead get a continuous FaulHard that goes on nonstop.

    I’ve tried just a dot->saveUserFile call with a print statement right before it and I still get this FaulHard without my print statement showing.

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