what is the minimum time between two messages ?

Home Forums mDot/xDot what is the minimum time between two messages ?

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  • #14319
    Steeve Zissou


    I am developing a monitoring system that would require to send form mDot information every couple of seconds to a Gateway.

    What is the minimum time between two messages from a single mdot to a single Conduit?

    Here are some further information on the use case: SF=7, private communication, noACK, in Europe, conduit and mDot few meters away

    I would also be interested in how this time changes with the number of mdot communicating with a single Conduit gateway, or if the gateway is also sending messages to mDot or if the mDot and Conduit are 200m away?


    Jason Reiss

    Time between messages will depend on the duty-cycle of the frequencies used and length of packet sent. Typically a 1% duty-cycle is imposed, so take the time-on-air for your packet length and datarate and multiply by 100.

    It is possible to configure to use the 10% duty-cycle band centered at 869.525. Set Conduit additional frequencies to 869.5.

    100% duty-cycle can be used at 869.9 if power is limited to EIRP 7dBm

    Steeve Zissou

    Great !
    Thank you for your answer.

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